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The Thomas Coram CE School

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Newsletter 29

Friday 17 May 2024
"Be quick to listen and slow to speak” James 1:19

Important Info for W/C 20 May 2024  

Y3 trip - Bucks Museum 

Wednesday 22nd May


Y4 Residential meeting

Wed 22nd May 6.30pm

Paragraph 7

Whole School trip - Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

Thursday 23rd May

Paragraph 3

Travelling Book Fair


Paragraph 4

FOTC - Dress Down and Doughnuts


Friday 24th  May 


Paragraph 10

Flyers/Links/ Half term activities

 End of newsletter

This week at Thomas Coram
What a fantastic week we have had! Our amazing Year 6 children, completed their final SATs paper yesterday. I cannot express how proud I am of every single child in Year 6, they have worked incredibly hard this year and showed true resilience and hard work all week! They have also enjoyed their disco this afternoon! Another highlight this week, was Cressida Cowell coming in yesterday. The children and adults alike, absolutely loved the workshop and we were so fortunate to have her come in. The children walked out so inspired to write and create, which is lovely to see in the children. We are all also looking forward to next week and our fantastic opportunity to take the whole school to the theatre! Have a wonderful weekend. 


On Wednesday, Father Stuart led worship on Friendship and I am looking forward to our spiritual ambassadors starting to help with worship more form next week. Today was Finland's class assembly and although I was unable to attend I have heard it was fantastic and the children loved performing, well done Finland!

Important info

Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

Please click here for reminders and final information. School will be closed so any emails / voicemails will be responded to on Friday 24 May.

Travelling Book Fair

The Travelling Book Fair will be in the library from Monday 20th to Friday 24th May. Children will be welcome to purchase books at lunchtime or during library sessions. We will also be open after school each day until 4pm if you would like to come and have a look with your child. There is a 3 for 2 offer on all books, and every book sold raises money for new books for the school library! More information here!

Captain's Club

Bookings for Summer 2 at Captain's Club are now open! Payments for Summer 2 are due by Monday 27th May.

Art Competition

The CPRE Hertfordshire's 2024 Children's Art Competition is now open and ready for entries. The competition is open to all year groups.

The theme this year is Why I Love The Countryside.

Children can draw anything related to what they love about the Hertfordshire countryside. Their drawings could be related to local wildlife, beautiful scenery, flower fields, trees through the seasons etc.

There is a prize for the winning school and individual prizes in each age group category. Wouldn’t it be great if we could win nature books for the school library and £500 to spend on creating an environmentally-friendly outdoor space?

The entry should be A4 in any medium (paint, pencil, pastel, collage). 

The closing date for submitting your entries to the competition is Friday 12th July. Please hand to your class teacher or directly to Mrs Bruguier. Please label the back with your name and year group.

Year 4 Residential Meeting

We would like to invite all parents/carers of pupils attending the Y4 Bushcraft residential in June to an information evening on Wednesday 22nd May @ 6.30pm. This is being held in the Year 6 block. Please enter the school via the main gate and walk around the school to enter the block.  We anticipate it will last 30 minutes. If you are unable to attend, please do not worry, the presentation along with FAQ's from the evening will be emailed out the following day. Please can you ensure your child's trip balance has been cleared, prior to half term. Mrs Randall will be available at the meeting to discuss payment plans for outstanding balances. This meeting is not for pupils.

My After School Art Club

The first of summer term for My After School Art Club has come to an end. The children have produced some amazing art work, that can be viewed in our Thomas Coram Art Gallery.

Friends of Thomas Coram

Thank you very much to those of you who signed up to help with the organising of all things FOTC. We really appreciate your offers of help and will be in touch soon. 

Dress Down & Doughnuts - Friday 24 May

We will be holding our penultimate dress down day of the school year and our final doughnut sale! Dress down for a donation of £1. If you didn't buy the dress down pass, you can donate here. Doughnuts will be on sale for £1, on both playgrounds, after school.

Community Info

Online Safety Newsletter - Summer edition
HFL's newsletter for parents and carers includes reviews and details about: • Change in minimum age for WhatsApp • SnapChat MyAI – a guide for parents • Sextortion – what parents/carers need to know.
Elgiva Theatre Summer Camp 

The Elgiva is running it's annual not for profit summer camp for children aged 8 to 17. This year they are doing Sister Act Jr. More information can be found here. 


Madagascar - Sophie - For the friendliness that she shows to all, including teachers.

South Africa - Nate - For always looking out for others and offering to help them when needed. 

Gambia - Ethan - For putting superb effort into his reading and writing this week. Well done Ethan!

Finland - Olivia - For always being positive in class and offering to help others. 

Norway - Norway - For encouraging others during lessons and on the playground. 

Croatia - Joshua - For being a supportive friend and helping others on his table. 

China - Max - For his fantastic support of peers in maths lessons.

Borneo - Charlie - For the positive approach to making friends and becoming a valued member of Borneo.

India - Rosa - For being kind and supportive to a member of the class who injured their hand this week by helping them with their writing.


Year 6 - For working very hard during SATs week - you have made us very proud.

Weekly Attendance W/C 13/05/24
Year 3:  94.1%
Year 4:  96.7%
Year 5:  94.8%
Year 6:  100%  
Whole school:  95.8%

                                        A full calendar is available here   




Monday 27th to Friday 31st May

Half Term

All Week!

Wednesday 5th to Friday 7th June

Y4 Residential


Friday 7th June

Y6 trip to Chessington


Friday 14th June

Borneo Class Assembley


Friday 14th June

Art Day


Monday 17th - Friday 21st June

Outdoor Learning Week


Thursday 20th June

Mini Olympics



Information attached this week

This weeks flyers/attachments/letters are below please click on for more information;

Letters/emails sent this week  


Flyers/ Links


This week at St Peter's

Details of services at St Peter's can be found here.

To read the latest news from St Peter's click here.