Pure mathematics is, in its way, the poetry of logical ideas.
Albert Einstein
Subject Lead: Mrs L Forde
At Thomas Coram, our children love maths and enjoy being challenged. We want all our children to be confident, skilled, and resilient mathematicians, who understand that mathematics is a fundamental part of the world we live in. We give the children real-life learning experiences, challenges, and puzzles, which are there to build the children’s resilience and allow them to see that mistakes help us grow.
Our mastery approach to the curriculum develops children's knowledge and understanding of mathematical concepts from their start at Thomas Coram in Year 3 through to the end of Year 6. Challenge is built into every lesson for pupils who grasp concepts rapidly. New concepts are taught using the concrete, pictorial and abstract (CPA) method and small steps are built to ensure solid understanding. We use the Herts Essentials planning to aid the lessons we teach at Thomas Coram. This scheme ensures that there is a clear progression of skills and learning that is built upon throughout their time in KS2. At the end of each term, diagnostic tests are completed, which help us to look closely at our children’s gaps and ensure that we are closing those gaps.
Our children become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics through the placement of numbers at the heart of our curriculum. Every mathematics lesson begins with a fluency focus that ensures daily practice of number facts are consistently embedded. There is also key focus on the recall of multiplication and division facts and Times Table Rock Stars are used across the school with a particular focus in Year 4 in preparation for the Multiplication Check towards the end of the year. Children are encouraged to use manipulatives and resources throughout the school and a wide range is accessible in every classroom.
When I grow up...
Here are some of the jobs you could aspire to do in the future as a mathematician:
- Airline Pilot
- Automotive Engineer
- Land Surveyor
For more careers, visit Careers in Maths | First Careers