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Asia - Year 5

Welcome to our Year 5 page. Here you can find our curriculum maps, curriculum newsletters and any key dates and websites relating to Year 5. Click on your class logo to find out information about your teachers.

Asia-Year-5 (ID 1033)

Curriculum Newsletters

Please see our termly newsletter below to find out what your child will be learning. If you would like further information regarding our subjects, please see our curriculum page.

Autumn Term 

Spring Term  


Please ensure your child has all equipment ready to learn, particularly blue handwriting pens, glue sticks, scissors and whiteboard pens.  


Given out on a Monday and to be handed in on the following Monday. Please continue to sign your child’s planner each week. 

Reading at least 4 times a week (parent initial in planner please)  

Maths - relating to class work



Mobile phones 

In year 5, your child is allowed to bring in a mobile phone since they may now start to walk to and from school independently. Their phones must be turned off once they reach the school gate in the morning and handed in to their teacher during registration. At the end of the school day, the phone will be returned to your child which should not be turned on until they leave the school gate. Please ensure your child is aware that the phone is only to be used for the purpose of contacting yourself/family and not to use it when crossing roads. 


Each class has PE twice per week. One of these lessons is taught by the class teacher and one is taught by Miss Minter our Sports Coach and Forest School Leader.

Your child needs to come into school in their PE kit on the days that their PE lessons take place. This is a red polo shirt, school jumper or cardigan and black shorts or joggers. For safety reasons, we ask that hair be tied up, earrings be removed (or covered with tape) and no hoodies be worn.

Borneo - Monday & Tuesday

China - Tuesday & Wednesday

India - Monday & Tuesday

Forest School

We are extremely lucky to have our very own Forest School and Forest School Leader at Thomas Coram. These lessons are taught by Miss Minter.

As Forest School takes place in the morning, your child needs to come to school in their Forest School clothes (with a change of school uniform in their bag). Forest School clothes is an old jumper, joggers and pair of outdoor boots or wellies. Forest School takes place in all weathers, so it is important that they are equipped to be outside. Legs and arms must be covered so shorts and t-shirts are not allowed.

Forest School for Year 5, takes place on Thursdays, on 3 week rotation as follows:

Upper Keystage 2

 Mobile phones & walking

Year 5 Key Dates

  For full school dates, please refer to the calendar.

  • 21 Mar 2025
    09:00 to 09:30
    Year 5 Borneo Class Assembly
    Add Year 5 Borneo Class Assembly to your calendar
  • 25 Apr 2025
    09:00 to 09:30
    Year 5 India Class Assembly
    Add Year 5 India Class Assembly to your calendar
  • 2 Jun 2025


    6 Jun 2025

    Y5 Bikeability
    Add Y5 Bikeability to your calendar

Adding dates to your calendar

Individual dates
Add dates to your calendarClick the relevant icon to add individual diary dates to your calendar.
In Outlook you will need to click the 'Save' button.

Subscribe to the whole calendar
Please find below instructions on how to configure some of the most popular calendar programmes to automatically display dates from the public address of the school calendar feed, which is:
Feed address: https://www.thomascoram.herts.sch.uk/ical.ics