Religious Education (RE)
Differences were meant not to divide but to enrich.
J. H Oldham
Subject Lead: Miss L Ashby
As a Church of England School, RE is a core and well taught subject. All children do RE lessons once per week and focus on Christianity as well as the other five major religions: Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Judaism and Islam. Being a church school, we still believe learning about other religions is vital to ensure the children understand the diverse society that we live in and it is important for our children’s personal and academic development.
To teach Christianity we use the Understanding Christianity planning and for other faiths we use the Emmanuel Project. We try to ensure lessons are brought to life and engaging for the children and visitors are warmly welcomed into school to discuss their religions.
RE days have been a big focus this year with parents being invited in to join in with our RE learning and for the children to share their learning experiences.
When I grow up...
Here are some of the jobs you could aspire to do in the future as a theologian:
- Vicar
- Chaplain
- Member of Parliament
- Journalist
- Advice Worker
- Charity fundraiser
- Youth worker