Co Chairs: Jess Brown & Tiffany Randall
The Friends of Thomas Coram School is a registered charity with the objective of supporting our school, helping to provide a stimulating and pleasant environment for our pupils.
We work closely with the staff and governors to provide additional resources and improve facilities through fund-raising.
The Friends of Thomas Coram School is a PTA (Parent Teacher Association); it is a link between the parents/carers and staff within our school with the common aim of wanting to create the best possible learning environment for our children that stimulates, nurtures and encourages their development both academically, socially and personally.
The principal role of The Friends is as a fund-raising body to organise events and activities to broaden the scope of educational experiences available to all children at the school by helping put the ‘cherry on the cake’ in our school. Every parent/carer with children at our school is automatically a member of The Friends and benefits from the funds raised through the events organised by the committee and the wide range of club activities and social functions.
Our structure
All parents/carers and grandparents of pupils attending the school; all staff; past parents; friends and our school governors are members of The Friends.
The parents/carers of our pupils are represented by a committee formed by volunteers of parents, carers and staff, who meet approximately six times a year, with the Annual General Meeting being held towards the end of September.
Our aims
The main aims of The Friends are to provide support to the school, to help to improve conditions, facilities and the social environment for our pupils.
This does mean that The Friends is often asked to fundraise for a particular project, which is often decided upon at the beginning of each school year. Proceeds from fund-raising events throughout the school year will be donated to that project, or can be diverted to any other scheme as requested, and voted upon by the committee. The needs of our children are the major factor in deciding which project The Friends may adopt each year.
Whilst the Friends’ primary role is raising funds for the school, the children’s social well-being is also considered to be important. The Friends, therefore, organise many fun events throughout the year just for the children’s enjoyment, and which are funded by The Friends. In all areas, The Friends relies upon the support of all parents, staff, governors and friends of the school to reach its goal.
Our objectives (from our Constitution)
- Develop more extended relationships between the staff, parents and others associated with the school.
- Engage in activities which support the school and advance the education of the pupils attending it.
- Provide and assist in the provision of such facilities or items for education at the school (not provided by statutory funds) as the committee, in consultation with the Governing Body shall from time to time determine.
Our finances
The Friends is responsible for its own finances and distribution of funds.
It is, however, guided by the Head of School and staff regarding the needs of the school.
Past events include:
- Film Shows
- Wine Tasting Evening
- Boden Fashion Evening
- Family Bingo Evening
- Family Quiz Evening
- A Summer Fair
If you are interested in joining us then contact us to find out a little more either via the school or by email at