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Learning to write programs stretches your mind, and helps you think better, creates a way of thinking about things that I think is helpful in all domains.

Bill Gates

Subject Lead: Mr A Phelan

At Thomas Coram, we realise that the world of ICT is face-paced and ever changing. In order to best prepare out children for the future of computing, we use our ICT suite during computing lessons which includes computers and iPads to be used. We also have various other technology throughout the school, including interactive whiteboards. However, we also believe Computing can go beyond the four walls, and even teach concepts of programming and algorithms out on the playground! Our four main pillars of our curriculum focus on Programming, Digital Literacy, Networks and Online Safety. 

With changes such as AI and cloud technology, we keep our curriculum as fluid as possible, using schemes of work from Rising Stars, The National Centre of Computing Education and creating our own units. We also ensure that our children stay safe online, with termly sessions on Online Safety focusing on safe communication, using trusted sources and how to respond when things go wrong. 

Our aim is to have safe, well-rounded and proficient programmers in our school, with our varied and engaging Computing curriculum.

When I grow up...

Here are some of the jobs you could aspire to do in the future as a techie:


Ethical Hacker

Website Administrator

Coast guard

For more careers, visit Careers in ICT | First Careers
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