Scientists have become the bearers of the torch of discovery in our quest for knowledge.
Stephen Hawking
Subject Lead: Mrs S Giles
We recognise the importance of science in every aspect of daily life here at Thomas Coram. We believe and impress on our children that science has changed our lives and is vital to the world’s future prosperity. Therefore we make it our mission to teach all of our children the essential aspects of the knowledge, methods, processes and uses of science.
Our Science curriculum is well mapped out with a clear progression of skills and knowledge evident throughout the curriculum. Children are encouraged to ask their own questions and are given opportunities to use their scientific skills and research to discover the answers. ‘Working scientifically’ skills are embedded into lessons to ensure that skills are systematically developed throughout the children’s time at Thomas Coram and new vocabulary and challenging concepts are introduced. Opportunities for scientific enquiry, including observing over time, pattern seeking, identifying, classifying and grouping, comparative and fair testing are seen across the year groups. Outdoor learning is a big focus at Thomas Coram over the next two years, with the development of outdoor classrooms, outdoor learning, a sensory garden and the ability to use the outdoor space to further enhance the Science learning across the school.
As a core subject, we timetable Science to be taught for one afternoon per week, ensuring all children are receiving two hours per week of Science teaching. Teachers and children enjoy Science at Thomas Coram and Science is regularly commented as a favourite subject of the children.
When I grow up...
Here are some of the jobs you could aspire to do in the future as a scientist:
- Astronaut
- Marine biologist
- Weather presenter
For more careers, visit Careers in Science | First Careers
Progression in Science
download_for_offlineProgression in Science