Newsletter 8
Friday 25 October 2024Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you. Ephesians 4:32
Important Info for W/C 4th November 2024
Y6 Bikeability |
Monday 4th - Friday 8th Nov |
Flu nasal vaccinations |
Thursday 7th Nov |
Paragraph 3 |
Toy hub donations |
Monday 4th - Friday 8th Nov |
Donations to school office |
Secondary School Applications |
DEADLINE 31st October |
Attachments/Links at bottom of newsletter |

Please find the E-consent letter for your child’s Flu vaccination for this coming winter. Please note that you can consent for either the Flu nasal spray, OR the non-gelatine IM Flu vaccine. Please make sure you complete the form online as soon as you can. The portal will close 48 hours ahead of the Flu session.
Vaccination UK East Anglia Immunisation (
The School Immunisation team will be coming into the school to deliver the vaccine. Please be aware that children can NOT receive this vaccination with their GP unless they are clinically vulnerable.
Community Information
Berkhamsted Library Events
Cosmic Curiosity: Monday 28 October 2024 4.00-5.00pm
Are you ready to journey into space…? Take part in free fun family activities and learn about real life space jobs. Listen to stories that are out of this world! For children aged 4-7 and must be accompanied by an adult
Crafty Creatures: Tuesday 29 October 2024 2.00-3.00pm
An opportunity for children to learn about shapes, parts of the body and to use their imagination to create a creature from different materials.
£4 per child and must be accompanied by an adult
For children aged 3-7
Graphic Novels Page One group of sessions on Monday 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th November for children aged 7-11. Tickets cost £10 for the four sessions. If you are unable to join us for the full four sessions, to come and speak with us at Berkhamsted Library and we will be able to sort something out. Page One explores Graphic novels such as Dogman, Bunny Vs Monkey and Diary of a Wimpy Kid through various activities.
Ashlyns Craft Fair
Ashlyns Craft Fair will showcase over 60 stalls selling unique handmade gifts for all budgets. Christmas decorations, keyrings and bags, jewellery, natural beauty products, sweets, artisan chocolates, original greeting cards, artworks and much more will be available. The ever popular cafe will also be open for shoppers to enjoy a selection of hot food, cakes and drinks. Creative Classroom will be running a Design-a-Bauble event for children (£2.50) no booking required!
Rennie Grove Peace Hospice
Rennie Grove Peace has a fundraising pre-loved fashion show at Pendley Manor on Wednesday 6 November. Click here for more info and to buy tickets.
Toy Hub
Toyhub is a local charity working in Berkhamsted, Tring and local villages whose mission is to ensure every local child has a gift to open at Christmas, by providing parents and caregivers with unwrapped, age appropriate gifts. They are currently running a donations appeal and would be very grateful for any donations listed here. Please bring any donations after half term. Thank you.

Madagascar - Evie - for her honesty when asking questions about her learning, which makes her work fantastic!
South Africa - Alan - for always having an excellent attitude in class and for showing resilience when trying new foods.
Gambia - Effie - For her excellent focus and resilience, especially in Maths this week. Well done Effie!
Finland - Scarlett - for the enthusiasm she has put into writing her non-chronological report in English this week.
Norway - James - for a super piece of writing in English this week.
Croatia - Freya - for consistently displaying an excellent, responsible attitude to all her learning and always being a most helpful student in class.
China - Ryder - for his high standard of Art in our Viking unit.
Borneo - Benji - for being a supportive and helpful working partner.
India - Kara - for her perseverance with her science-fiction story in English.
Brazil - Ivy - for working very hard on her writing and including features discussed in our lessons.
Mexico - Emma - for stepping up to the challenge of a new maths group and rising to it!
Peru - Jack - for working really hard to create a thought-provoking tragedy story in English
Weekly Attendance W/C 21/10/24
Year 3: 93.8%
Year 4: 97.8%
Year 5: 93.5%
Year 6: 93.6%
Whole school: 96.8%
"Education is the passport to the future, and attendance is the stamp that gets you there"
A full calendar is available here
Information attached this week
Whole School letters/emails sent this week
Flyers/ Links
This week at St Peter's
Details of services at St Peter's can be found here.
To read the latest news from St Peter's click here.