Newsletter 6
Friday 11 October 2024Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you. Ephesians 4:32
Important Info for W/C 14 October 2024
Parent Consultations |
Bookings go live 7pm Monday 14th October |
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Captains Club |
Bookings for Autumn 2 go live 7pm Monday 14th October |
Hannah Gold Author visit |
Tuesday 15th October |
Y6 Secondary School Applications |
Deadline for applications 31 October PLEASE DO NOT LEAVE IT TO THE DEADLINE |
Paragraph 8 |
Lego Club |
Mrs Giles would love any donations of Lego to add to her collection as her Lego club has become very popular! |
Berkhamsted Rotary Fireworks |
Paragraph 14 |
Half Term holiday courses/ camps links |
End of Newsletter - new links added weekly |

Secondary School Applications
Applications for Secondary School for September 2025 are open. A guide for parents and carers can be found here. The deadline for applications is Thursday 31st October. Please make sure you have applied by this date. If you have any questions or need any assistance then please contact Ms Rennie in the office.
Friends of Thomas Coram
Community Information
Toy Hub
Toyhub is a local charity working in Berkhamsted, Tring and local villages whose mission is to ensure every local child has a gift to open at Christmas, by providing parents and caregivers with unwrapped, age appropriate gifts. They are currently running a donations appeal and would be very grateful for any donations listed here. Please bring any donations after half term. Thank you.
Community Nursing Team
The Hertfordshire CNT have asked us to share their latest newsletter with you.
Pepper Foundation
The Pepper Show ( is taking place next week (15th - 19th Oct) at the Dembe Theatre in Tring. It's a great event and raises money for a very worthy local cause. Please do take a look via the link above.
St Peters News
St Peters are holding a 'Be a Chorister' day on Sunday 13th October between 1.30 and 5.45pm. This is an opportunity for you to come and try out singing, make new friends and have tea, juice and cake. It is open to all children aged 6+
We're introducing a short time of prayer at St Peter's at 9am on Fridays during term time. Meeting for about fifteen minutes, it will provide an opportunity to share in a bit of stillness in the busy week. Many people find that just being in St Peter's can bring a sense of calm and centredness.
Berkhamsted Rotary Fireworks
Once again we are selling discounted tickets for the Fireworks on Saturday 2 November. Family tickets cost £25 (£30 on night), Adult £10 (£12 on night) ,Under 16 £7 (£8 on night). Tickets can also be bought online using the following link BerkoBang.

Madagascar - Winnie and Amber - for their determination to write independently.
South Africa - Alizah - for a fantastic start at TC. She is always enthusiastic and positive and is an excellent role model for the class.
Gambia - George - for working hard across the curriculum and confidently sharing his answers in Maths lessons this week. Well done George!
Finland - Jaxson - for improved focus and concentration and giving it 100% in lessons this week.
Norway - Jacob - for super effort in all his learning this week.
Croatia - Bradley - for his improved focus and trying to do his best this week.
China - Chloe - for always being cheerful, positive and working hard in all lessons.
Borneo - Elwood - for being a wonderful friend and giving support to others when needed.
India - Josh - for his concise summary of the story of Joseph in class worship.
Brazil - Avaley - for always working extremely hard and challenging herself to do her best in every lesson.
Mexico - Rocco - for his brilliant independent writing about monsters, as well as fantastic effort in PE.
Peru - Ernie - for being incredibly focused in lessons and using great historical skill to investigate Maya artefacts
Weekly Attendance W/C 07/10/24
Year 3: 98%
Year 4: 96.5%
Year 5: 94.3%
Year 6: 90.6%
Whole school: 95%
A full calendar is available here
Information attached this week
Whole School letters/emails sent this week
- Parent consultations
Flyers/ Links
- Electric Umbrella
- Tech Camp
- Game On - October Half Term Sports Courses
- Cascade Camps October Half Term
This week at St Peter's
Details of services at St Peter's can be found here.
To read the latest news from St Peter's click here.