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The Thomas Coram CE School

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Newsletter 5

Friday 4 October 2024
Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you. Ephesians 4:32

Important Info for W/C 7 October 2024

Freestyle Football Workshop 

Thursday 10 Oct 


Y6 Secondary School Applications 

 Deadline for applications

31 October


Paragraph 2

Leave of Absence - updated form


Paragraph 3

Dacorum Family Services


Paragraph 6

Half Term holiday courses/ camps links


End of Newsletter

 Resilience quote of the week: “Only those who dare to fail greatly, can ever achieve greatly."
This week at Thomas Coram
Well done to Brazil for their brilliant assembly this morning, it was great to hear about their PGL experiences and what they did in school that week! It makes me so proud when the children stand up and share their experiences of TC! Well done also to Antonia for leading the PGL song! Yesterday, I was on an inspirational course about belonging and a schools identity and it really made me think about TC and how the children feel. I will be talking to our pupil parliament next week and seeing if we can strengthen this in anyway. I would also like to say a big thank you to Eliza, one of our Head Students, who left a letter on my desk yesterday explaining ways we can improve TC and it made me think how great we are at TC and how fortunate we are to have such independent thinkers within the school. A big thank you to Mark at Travis Perkins, who donated over a large amount of wood for us to build a new forest school structure. Please shop local!
Important info

Secondary School Applications

Applications for Secondary School for September 2025 are open.  A guide for parents and carers can be found here.  The deadline for applications is Thursday 31st October. Please make sure you have applied by this date. If you have any questions or need any assistance then please contact Ms Rennie in the office. 

Leave of Absence - updated form

As you may be aware a new National Framework for Penalty Notices for school absence, including unauthorised holiday absence, has been introduced following changes to the law. These new Government regulations came into effect from 19 August 2024. As a result of this the Leave of Absence request form has been updated.

Further information can be found here and a PN information sheet here.

Captains Club

An increasing number of children are not turning up to Captain's Club sessions they have booked on to.  Please let the office know if your child isn't going to be attending on a certain day, this prevents staff having to chase why children have not arrived.

Understanding Autism

Hertfordshire NHS Trust have produced a poster detailing all the support available in Hertfordshire for Autism and ADHD. Please take a look. 

Dacorum Family Services

DFS have started their rolling programme of events. The next one is on the 14th October and is on Anxiety and Attendance.  They are also holding one on Help with Secondary School Applications on 21st October both of them will be held virtually via MS team.

Pre-loved uniform

We have a huge stock of pre-loved uniform! Jumpers and cardigans (only a few), grey skirts, trousers and shorts, white shirts, ties, PE tops and shorts.  If you need any uniform, please email into admin and you can collect from the office for a cash donation.  All money will be going to the FOTC.

Neurodiversity in Schools programme
As you may be aware from previous correspondence, this year we are taking part in the Partnership for Inclusion of Neurodiversity in Schools (PINS) programme. The Herts Parent Carer Involvement team will be at Thomas Coram School on Thursday 24 October, from 9-10:30am for an informal coffee morning. Please do come along, share your views about what the school do well to include children with additional needs in all elements of school life and how we can all work together to make improvements. It would be great to have as many of you there as possible and we look forward to working with you on this fantastic programme. Please sign up using the QR code on the poster so that there are plenty of refreshments for all! 
Class reps
We are still looking for class reps for South Africa, Croatia, Norway, China, India & Brazil. Having a class rep for your class is a great way to get extra reminders for what is going on in school and for your class to take part in parent voice later on in the year. If you would like to sign up please use this link. 

Friends of Thomas Coram

'What's on Weekly' 

Community Information

St Peters News

St Peters are holding a 'Be a Chorister' day on Sunday 13th October between 1.30 and 5.45pm. This is an opportunity for you to come and try out singing, make new friends and have tea, juice and cake. It is open to all children aged 6+

We're introducing a short time of prayer at St Peter's at 9am on Fridays during term time. Meeting for about fifteen minutes, it will provide an opportunity to share in a bit of stillness in the busy week. Many people find that just being in St Peter's can bring a sense of calm and centredness. 

Please feel free to bring along younger siblings, take-away coffees, and whatever (or whoever) else you might have with you. Starting on Friday 11th October. If you'd like to know more, please contact Fr Stuart - fr.stuart@gmail.com

Sunnyside Youth Club
Sunnyside Church run a youth club every Friday. More info can be found here

NorthChurch Social Centre Community Open Day

The Social Centre in Northchurch are holding a community Open Day on Saturday 5th October with free entry and parking. There will be cakes, games, art, face painting and a bouncy castle amongst other things. More info can be found here

Berkhamsted Rotary Fireworks

Once again we are selling discounted tickets for the Fireworks on Saturday 2 November. Family tickets cost £25 (£30 on night), Adult £10 (£12 on night) ,Under 16 £7 (£8 on night). Tickets can also be bought online using the following link BerkoBang.

Berkhamsted Neighbourhood Plan - Public Consultation

This is an opportunity for residents and businesses to come along to find out more about and ask any questions on the Berkhamsted Neighbourhood Plan. You can join our Neighbourhood Plan steering group members in the Foyer of Berkhamsted Civic Centre 161 High Street on:

  • Wednesday 16th October – 10am to 4pm
  • Saturday 19th October – 10am to 1pm
  • Monday 21st October – 10am to 2pm, 4 to 7.30pm

Neighbourhood Plan information boards will also be available to view at your leisure between Wednesday 16th and Wednesday 23rd October, 9am and 4pm.

Berkhamsted Rotary Young Photographer Competition

This event is free to enter and open to all young people aged 7-17 years old. It is an opportunity to interpret this year’s theme: ‘Wonderful Water’  and express their ideas through the medium of photography. The competition details and entrance packs are available now at www.berkorotary.org 

Hospice of St Francis - Mudpack Challenge

The Mudpack Challenge is returning to Ashridge House on Sunday 13th October. For more information please click here.


Madagascar - Isla - for amazing effort in her assessments this week.

South Africa - Charlotte - for her calm, focused and positive approach to learning.. you are a delight to have in the class!

Gambia - All of the class - for working independently and focused during assessments this week. Keep it up Edward. Well done! 

Finland - All of Finland - for showing perseverance and resilience during assessment week. You should all be proud of yourselves - well done!

Norway - Whole classfor working so hard this week on assessments and showing resilience when they found things difficult.

Croatia - Whole Class - for their positive, enthusiastic and mature approach to all assessments this week. 

China - Whole classfor their hard-work, resilience and perseverance during the assessments.

Borneo - Borneo - for their approach and resilience during assessment week.

India - Jasper and Ruby - for their written work on historical evidence in History.

Brazil - Antonia - as she was very brave in volunteering to lead our sing in our class assembly.

Mexico - Alice - for excellent dedication in Maths, taking on challenges and realising that she can do it!

Peru - Lorelei - for always being very conscientious in the class, listening and trying her best. A model student!


Weekly Attendance W/C 30/09/24
Year 3: 96.6%
Year 4: 95.4% 
Year 5: 93.9% 
Year 6: 91.8% 
Whole school: 94.5%


                                        A full calendar is available here   



Information attached this week

Whole School letters/emails sent this week  


Flyers/ Links

Game On - October Half Term Sports Courses

Cascade Camps October Half Term

This week at St Peter's

Details of services at St Peter's can be found here.

To read the latest news from St Peter's click here.