Newsletter 4
Friday 27th September 2024Then God said, "Let there be light"; and there was light. Genesis 1:3
Important Info for W/C 30 September 2024
Y6 Online Heath Questionnaire |
Tuesday 1 Oct |
Brazil Class Assembly |
Friday 4 Oct |
Paragraph 3 |
Production Club |
Friday 4 Oct |
Paragraph 4 |
Neurodiversity in Schools |
Paragraph 5 |
Friends of Thomas Coram
Thank you to the Reps who attended the meeting last night.
'What's on Weekly' is FULL of information this week including Jewellery making, Christmas Wreath tickets and a Quiz Night poll! The Reps voted to move the AGM to Wednesday 16th October. It will be held at school at 6.30pm
Community Information
Sunnyside Youth Club
Sunnyside Church run a youth club every Friday. More info can be found here.
NorthChurch Social Centre Community Open Day
The Social Centre in Northchurch are holding a community Open Day on Saturday 5th October with free entry and parking. There will be cakes, games, art, face painting and a bouncy castle amongst other things. More info can be found here.
Berkhamsted Rotary Fireworks
Once again we are selling discounted tickets for the Fireworks on Saturday 2 November. Family tickets cost £25 (£30 on night), Adult £10 (£12 on night) ,Under 16 £7 (£8 on night). Tickets can also be bought online using the following link BerkoBang.
Berkhamsted Neighbourhood Plan - Public Consultation
This is an opportunity for residents and businesses to come along to find out more about and ask any questions on the Berkhamsted Neighbourhood Plan. You can join our Neighbourhood Plan steering group members in the Foyer of Berkhamsted Civic Centre 161 High Street on:
- Wednesday 16th October – 10am to 4pm
- Saturday 19th October – 10am to 1pm
- Monday 21st October – 10am to 2pm, 4 to 7.30pm
Neighbourhood Plan information boards will also be available to view at your leisure between Wednesday 16th and Wednesday 23rd October, 9am and 4pm.
Berkhamsted Rotary Young Photographer Competition
This event is free to enter and open to all young people aged 7-17 years old. It is an opportunity to interpret this year’s theme: ‘Wonderful Water’ and express their ideas through the medium of photography. The competition details and entrance packs are available now at
Hospice of St Francis - Mudpack Challenge
The Mudpack Challenge is returning to Ashridge House on Sunday 13 October. For more information please click here.

Madagascar - Gabriel - for his hard work and enthusiasm in Maths.
South Africa - Henry - for his excellent effort and perseverance with his Phonics reading this week.
Gambia - Alfie - for being a conscientious and motivated member of the class across the curriculum, giving support to others when they need it. Well done Alfie!
Finland - Lucas - for his great effort and focus in all lessons this week.
Norway - Imogen - for hard work and focus this week.
Croatia - Martha - for exhilarating a consistently enthusiastic approach to every task.
China - Teddy and Annabelle - for settling well into Thomas Coram and working very hard in lessons.
Borneo - Ryan - for an amazing week, well done!
India - Carys - for sharing her experience of the Jorvik museum and bringing in artefacts to show to the class.
Brazil - William - for a great start to TC!
Mexico - Rosa - for being a kind and hard working member of the class and contributing to class discussions.
Peru - Sam - for being focused and worked really hard this week across a lot of different subjects and offering ideas in class.
Weekly Attendance W/C 23/09/24
Year 3: 97.8 %
Year 4: 96.5 %
Year 5: 92.1%
Year 6: 94.3%
Whole school: 95.3 %
A full calendar is available here
Information attached this week
Whole School letters/emails sent this week
Flyers/ Links
The 7 habits of a Positive Parent
This week at St Peter's
Details of services at St Peter's can be found here.
To read the latest news from St Peter's click here.