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The Thomas Coram CE School

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Newsletter 3

Friday 20th September 2024
 Then God said, "Let there be light"; and there was light. Genesis 1:3

Important Info for W/C 23 September 2024

Wednesday 25 September

Individual Photos deadline for free school delivery


Thursday 26 September

FOTC Meeting

Paragraph 6

 Friday 27 September

South Africa Class Assembly

Paragraph 3

Friday 27 September 

Eco Council - Wear Green, Be Green

Paragraph 4 

This week at Thomas Coram
Whilst I have been busy away with Year 6, there has still been lots of fun learning going on in school. Year 3 have been learning how to make an effective solar oven in science. In Year 4, they have been script writing using the book Tar Beach as inspiration and Year 5 have been learning all bout e-safety in their computing lessons. The Year 6 children who did not go on the residential, have had their own fun-filled activity week with crafting, baking and an extra Forest School session complete with Marshmallows. They ended their week with a trip to Go Ape at Black County Park today. On the Isle of Wight, Year 6 have had a wonderful week: zip-wiring, beach walks, dips in the sea, laser tag, giant swing, escape rooms and the silent disco to name but a few. The children really have been incredible this week, they have given everything a go, cheered one another on, slept amazingly well and have just been a pleasure to have on the trip! I also want to say a big thank you to all the staff members who have joined us this week, as they have all worked so hard, during an incredibly exhausting week! I am looking forward to getting back to school next week and seeing everyone again! Have a wonderful weekend. 
Collective Worship 
On Monday, Father Stuart started our Collective Worships for the week by looking at The Fall, Genesis 3: 1-13. On Tuesday, we had our first singing assembly with Mrs Bruguier, which I heard was fantastic! On Wednesday and Thursday, the children had class worships, looking at this weeks theme and how it impacts their lives. Today, Miss Williamson  celebrated our stars of the week.
Important info
South Africa Class Assembly
We are looking forward to welcoming parents and carers from South Africa into school on Friday for our first class assembly of the school year. The assembly will start at 9am you can come in via the main gates, just after 8:45am.
Eco Council - Wear Green, Be Green
To celebrate becoming an Eco-School, our Eco Councillors would like to raise more awareness by inviting everyone to take part in our 'Wear Green, Be Green' day on Friday. You can wear a green accessory to school alongside your school uniform, such as a green tie, green socks, hair scrunchie etc. You could also bring a waste free lunch, or walk to school. Mrs Giles and The Eco Councillors will be meeting regularly to talk about their eco action plan for TC!
Class reps
We are still looking for class reps for South Africa, Croatia, Norway, China, India & Brazil. Having a class rep for your class is a great way to get extra reminders for what is going on in school and for your class to take part in parent voice later on in the year. If you would like to sign up please use this link. 

Friends of Thomas Coram

FOTC Meeting

The FOTC are holding their first meeting of the year on Thursday, 7:30pm at The Old Mill. All welcome, so please do pop along if you can.

For all upcoming FOTC information please see their - 'What's on Weekly' 


Community Information

Rotary Young Photographer Competition

Berkhamsted Rotary Club have launched a Rotary Young Photographer Competition.

This event is free to enter and open to all young people aged 7-17 years old. It is an opportunity to interpret this year’s theme: ‘Wonderful Water’  and express their ideas through the medium of photography. Ownership of a fancy camera is not essential as any digital photo in .jpg format can be submitted, so mobile phone cameras can be used.  Furthermore, entrants submit a portfolio of three pictures online, thus avoiding any printing costs.
There are three age related entry levels:

Junior: 7 to 10 years old, Intermediate: 11 to 13 years old, Senior: 14 to 17 years old

The competition details and entrance packs are available now at www.berkorotary.org 
The closing date is 31 January 2025 and although the cut-off date is 4 months away we want to give the entrants every opportunity of taking pictures in all weathers.

Winners of each Dacorum level will receive a £100 prize, an engraved commemoration plate and the opportunity to have their work displayed in an exhibition.  All entrants receive an online certificate commemorating their participation in the competition.  
In recent years, local students have won the Dacorum Area Competition, the Rotary District (Beds, Bucks and Herts) Competition and the Rotary National Competition.

Hospice of St Francis - Mudpack Challenge

The Mudpack Challenge is returning to Ashridge House on Sunday 13 October. For more information please click here.

Parents of Neurodiverse Kids (PONK)

As the Parent Carer Forum for Hertfordshire, HPCI has been asked to work with families at the school to help deliver a key part of the project - understanding how families and the school can work together to improve support for children. To help us with this, we have developed a short survey for all families at the school. The survey should take less than five minutes to complete and is open until 29th September. You can find it here: www.surveymonkey.com/r/HertsPINS1. Thank you to all the parents that completed the survey so far.


Madagascar - Isra - for working with an unfussy focus on her writing about cameras.

South Africa - Matthew - for trying really hard to focus and work independently.

Gambia - Reggie - for excellent focus, contributions and hard work in Maths this week.

Finland - Zoey - for always following instructions, being ready to learn and being an excellent role model for her class mates.

Norway - Lily - for having a super attitude to her work in class and working well with her team in PE.

Croatia - Tiana - for settling in to Thomas Coram well. Keep it up!

China -  Charlie -  for being extremely cheerful and positive towards his learning.

Borneo - Isla  - for her commitment to learning when faced with challenges, well done. 

India - Kara - for her amazing effort in all subjects.



Weekly Attendance W/C 16/09/24
Year 3: 97.4%
Year 4:  96.4%
Year 5:  94.9%
Year 6:  98%
Whole school:  96.6


                                        A full calendar is available here   

  Information attached this week

This weeks flyers/attachments/letters are below please click on for more information;

Letters/emails sent this week  



Stakeholder Update from Ms Roberts - please click here


Flyers/ Links


This week at St Peter's

Details of services at St Peter's can be found here.

To read the latest news from St Peter's click here.