Newsletter 9
Friday 8 November 2024Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you. Ephesians 4:32
Important Info for W/C 11th November 2024
Monday 11th - Friday 15th November |
Kindness Week |
Medical Tracker |
Paragraph 3 |
Friday 15th November |
Children in Need |
Paragraph 4 |
Friday 15th November |
FOTC Movie Night |
Paragraph 8 |
After School Art Club |
Paragraph 5 |
Attachments/Links at bottom of newsletter |
Dacorum Family Support
Dacorum Family Support are offering the following parenting workshop across the whole DFS North & East Partnership area. Anxiety and Attendance - This workshop will be held virtually via MS Teams. The session is being held on Wednesday 13th November,10.00-11.30 am (flyer attached to share with your families).
Community Information
The Creative Orange Workshop
Are running some festive crafting sessions at The Old Mill pub, including painting Scandinavian-style wooden houses and trees and crafting handmade felt decorations .
Ashlyns Craft Fair - Sunday 17th November
Ashlyns Craft Fair will showcase over 60 stalls selling unique handmade gifts for all budgets. Christmas decorations, keyrings and bags, jewellery, natural beauty products, sweets, artisan chocolates, original greeting cards, artworks and much more will be available. The ever popular cafe will also be open for shoppers to enjoy a selection of hot food, cakes and drinks. Creative Classroom will be running a Design-a-Bauble event for children (£2.50) no booking required!

Madagascar - Danny - for his fabulous answers and interest in our mapping lesson.
South Africa - Alana - for always being positive and smiley even when things are difficult.
Gambia - Gambia - for a great start to the new half term and for the effort put in by all in creating wonderful sculpture models for Art during half term. Well done Everyone!
Finland - Sonny- for his hard work and enthusiasm in English this week while publishing his brochure.
Norway - Kush - for his fantastic effort in English, writing his own brochure about his land.
Croatia - Ren - for the imaginative and creative ideas she has put into her English brochure.
China - Moana - for her resilience when editing her excellent science fiction narrative.
Borneo - Wilf - for being incredibly resilient when faced with a challenge this week, well done.
India - Seth - for his commitment to his learning and being a great role model.
Brazil -Tom - for excellent descriptive writing in The Raven.
Mexico - James - for fantastic support of others with his calm and patience in computing this week.
Peru - Charlotte - for being incredibly engaged and resilient when working on "The Raven" this week. Brilliant ideas!
Weekly Attendance W/C 04/11/24
Year 3: 96.4%
Year 4: 94.8%
Year 5: 92.7%
Year 6: 95.3%
Whole school: 94.9%
"Education is the passport to the future, and attendance is the stamp that gets you there"
A full calendar is available here
Information attached this week
Whole School letters/emails sent this week
Flyers/ Links
This week at St Peter's
Details of services at St Peter's can be found here.
To read the latest news from St Peter's click here.