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The Thomas Coram CE School

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Newsletter 9

Friday 8 November 2024
Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you. Ephesians 4:32

Important Info for W/C 11th November 2024

 Monday 11th - Friday 15th November

Kindness Week 



Medical Tracker

Paragraph 3 

Friday 15th November 

Children in Need

Paragraph 4

Friday 15th November

FOTC Movie Night 

Paragraph 8


After School Art Club

 Paragraph 5

Attachments/Links at bottom of newsletter 



 Resilience quote of the week: 
Resilient Riser: Logan (Croatia)
Most resilient acts class last week : China 

This week at Thomas Coram
Welcome back, I hope everyone had a wonderful half term although I am sure it feels like a distant memory now. I have had a wonderful week being back in the classroom and have been fortunate enough to have taught Gambia, Croatia and Madagascar who were all fabulous! I also took our Year 6 prefects on a walk yesterday, to prepare them for our open morning tours next week for new perspective Year 3 parents and we are very excited about showcasing how great TC is. Unfortunately, I do have a moan to end with. On Wednesday, the parking really was shocking, people were parked on the path and made it incredibly difficult for pedestrians to get through. Please can I remind you all again, to be respectful. I really do not want to get so frustrated that I am forced to close that turning circle. Please respect all members of the TC family and park accordingly. Sorry to end with a moan, but I really do feel at a loss for what else we can do out there. 
On Monday, Father Stuart led worship on Daniel and the courage of the prophet's and then classes then reflected in class on this on Wednesday and Thursday. Today I led celebration assembly and celebrated all our amazing stars and children. Charlotte in Peru, shared her English work which was incredible, so thank you Charlotte.  
Important info
Medical Tracker 
We have now signed up to an online medical recording site, where we will record all medical injuries on it. Parents will be notified of these injuries via this and you may receive an email from donotreply@medicaltracker so please do keep a look out for this.
Children in Need
Children in Need, is taking place on Friday 15th November. We are inviting the children and staff to dress up as their very own Gladiator superhero and take part in a fun run at lunchtime. Obviously, both these activities are entirely optional! More info can be found here.
In order for us to raise as much money as possible and in the easiest way, we kindly ask that any donations for dress down or the fun run are paid to our Just Giving Page that can be found here. For this event, please do not send cash in where possible.
After School Art Club
They have a new topic of Rain, Steam and Speed. For more details and to book on please click here

Dacorum Family Support
Dacorum Family Support are offering the following parenting workshop across the whole DFS North & East Partnership area. Anxiety and Attendance - This workshop will be held virtually via MS Teams.  The session is being held on Wednesday 13th November,10.00-11.30 am  (flyer attached to share with your families). 

Save the Date - SEND parents coffee morning 
Thank you to the parents who attended the PINs coffee morning yesterday, following on from feedback from the parents, we are offering an SEND coffee morning to parents on Thursday 5th December at 9am. Once we have more details on the focus, we will inform you. 
Travelling Book Fair
The Travelling Book Fair will be in the library from Monday 18th to Friday 22nd November. Children will be welcome to purchase books at lunchtime or during their weekly library sessions (Years 3 & 6 - Tuesday & Wednesday, Years 4 & 5 - Thursday & Friday). Books an be purchased with cash or by card via a QR code. We will also be open after school each day until 4pm if you would like to come and have a look with your child. Every book sold raises money for new books for our library!

Community Information

The Creative Orange Workshop

Are running some festive crafting sessions at The Old Mill pub, including painting Scandinavian-style wooden houses and trees and crafting handmade felt decorations . 

Ashlyns Craft Fair - Sunday 17th November

Ashlyns Craft Fair will showcase over 60 stalls selling unique handmade gifts for all budgets. Christmas decorations, keyrings and bags, jewellery, natural beauty products, sweets, artisan chocolates, original greeting cards, artworks and much more will be available. The ever popular cafe will also be open for shoppers to enjoy a selection of hot food, cakes and drinks. Creative Classroom will be running a Design-a-Bauble event for children (£2.50) no booking required!


Madagascar - Danny - for his fabulous answers and interest in our mapping lesson.

South Africa - Alana - for always being positive and smiley even when things are difficult.

Gambia - Gambia - for a great start to the new half term and for the effort put in by all in creating wonderful sculpture models for Art during half term. Well done Everyone!

Finland - Sonny- for his hard work and enthusiasm in English this week while publishing his brochure.

Norway - Kushfor his fantastic effort in English, writing his own brochure about his land. 

Croatia - Ren - for the imaginative and creative ideas she has put into her English brochure.

China - Moanafor her resilience when editing her excellent science fiction narrative.

Borneo - Wilf - for being incredibly resilient when faced with a challenge this week, well done.

India - Seth - for his commitment to his learning and being a great role model.

Brazil -Tom - for excellent descriptive writing in The Raven. 

Mexico - James - for fantastic support of others with his calm and patience in computing this week.

Peru - Charlotte - for being incredibly engaged and resilient when working on "The Raven" this week. Brilliant ideas!


Weekly Attendance W/C 04/11/24
Year 3: 96.4%
Year 4: 94.8% 
Year 5:  92.7%
Year 6:  95.3%
Whole school: 94.9%

"Education is the passport to the future, and attendance is the stamp that gets you there" 

                                        A full calendar is available here   


Information attached this week

Whole School letters/emails sent this week  

Flyers/ Links

This week at St Peter's

Details of services at St Peter's can be found here.

To read the latest news from St Peter's click here.