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The Thomas Coram CE School

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Newsletter 22

Friday 7 March 2025
Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you. Ephesians 4:32

Important Info for W/C 10th March 2025

Monday 10th - Friday 14th March

Science Week

Tuesday 11th March

Parent Consultations

5.00 - 8.00pm 

 Thursday 13th March

 Parent Consultations

4.00 - 7.00pm


Please make sure if your child has school lunches their account is in credit. 


Flyers, letters and links



 Bottom of newsletter

 Resilience quote of the week:  “I tried and failed. I tried again and again and succeeded.”
This week at Thomas Coram
Earlier in the week we welcomed Jennifer Ball to TC to celebrate her new book and talk to the children. We are so fortunate that we are able to offer so many different author visits for the children. Yesterday we celebrated World Book Day and had a cosy day in our PJ's! We also handed out our golden ticket bars, which the children were so excited buy. Thank you to everyone who bought one and raised money for TC. For World Book Day, we set a book in a box competition and I have been blown away by the amazing entries we have had! Well done to everyone who took part. Thank you to everyone who has taken part in the survey yesterday regarding homework, so far we have the majority of parents wanting to keep the homework offering we have, but I will wait until Monday for the final results. Next week we have our second guardian consultation evenings and I am really looking forward to seeing many families next week. If you have not booked an appointment yet, please do! It is your opportunity to find out how your child is doing and celebrate their successes. Finally a sad farewell to Mrs Knight today as she starts her maternity leave, we wish her and her family the best of luck with beautiful baby number two. With Mrs Knight finishing today, we also welcome Mrs O'Neil who joined us last week and has already proved an exceptional member of the team. Have a lovely weekend. 
On Monday, Rebecca came in to lead worship on leading Jesus and the Disciples. We ended with singing We're part of God's Big Family. In singing assembly this week, Sienna and Florence from year 3 sang 'Love Story' by Taylor Swift. The four different year groups then sang a 4-part round which he have been practising. A special mention to the representatives from each year group who led each group. Congratulations to Evie K for her strong singing in the round challenge. We then sang and moved to 'I'm in the Lord's Army.' Today, we had Peru's class assembly - a huge well done to them and all the learning they shared with us. 

Important Information

Bridgewater School Cross Country
We are looking forward to seeing lots of children at the annual Bridgewater School Cross Country on Saturday 22nd March 2025. Below are the race times. Please arrive at least 10 minutes before their event - all children must be accompanied by an adult for their time there and can leave immediately after.

Staff from school will be at the finish line to collect in the place cards the children will be handed. Please can children wear their school PE top, with layers underneath if needed. 

Time             Race                      Approximate Distance

9.30                 Year 6 Girls                  (1200m)

9.45                 Year 6 Boys                 (1200m)

10.00               Year 5 Girls                  (1200m)

10.15               Year 5 Boys                 (1200m)

10.30               Year 4 Girls                  (800m)

10.45               Year 4 Boys                 (800m)

11.00               Year 3 Girls                  (600m)

11.15               Year 3 Boys                 (600m)

11.35 (approx.) Presentation

GB Paralympic Athlete visit
On Wednesday 27th March, we will be having a visit from Kylie Grimes, a GB athlete. Kylie Grimes is a 3 x Paralympic Athlete who has played wheelchair Rugby at the Paralympics and is the first female to achieve gold in the sport in the world. Kylie will be coming into school and doing a sponsored circuit challenge with each class and doing an assembly for the whole school. Your child should have come home this week with sponsorship details. All funds raised will go between an athlete fund (ActivKids Uk) who help train athletes, and US! This will allow us to purchase new PE equipment and enhance our PE offering. We appreciate that times may be tough for certain families at the moment, so please do not feel you have to take part in the sponsorship, all children will be taking part regardless of any sponsorships that have been raised. The children were told about this event this week and are very excited.

Community Information

Game On
This Easter holiday, Game On are running 15 exciting sports courses across 9 different locations for children in the local area.  They
 have also organised a stadium tour around the iconic Wembley Stadium. More information can be found here.

Friends of Thomas Coram

Thank you to everyone who bought Wonka Bars! WOW back next week.


Madagascar - George - For being amazingly helpful during Computing lessons. 

South Africa - Arthur - For always demonstrating a positive attitude towards his learning and showing enthusiasm in all areas.

Gambia - Willow - For showing resilience and determination in Maths this week when working with Fractions. Well done Willow!

Finland - Jack - For the effort and focus he has put into lessons this week, particularly science and English. Keep it up!

Norway - Sophie -  For a super contribution in library this week.

Croatia - Blake - For his persuasive and descriptive writing this week. Well done for using the power of three, rhetorical questions and expanded noun phrases.

China - Nola and Sophie - For their resilience and amazing work in Maths (Nola) and DT (Sophie).

Borneo -Orla and Emily - For embracing learning and being amazing helpers in class.

India - Emelia - For trying really hard in Maths this week.

Brazil - Whole Class - For working exceptionally hard in assessments this week. 

Mexico - Daisy - For an exceptional assessment week, trying her best in every paper and showing off her skills.

Peru - Whole Class - For super hard work in assessments and in their assembly. 

Weekly Attendance W/C 03/03/2025
Year 3: 94.4%
Year 4: 96%
Year 5: 93.6%
Year 6:  94.8%
Whole school: 94.7%

"Everyday in school makes a difference to your child's future" 


                                        A full calendar is available here   

Information attached this week

Whole School letters/emails sent this week  

Flyers/ Links


This week at St Peter's

Details of services at St Peter's can be found here.

To read the latest news from St Peter's click here.