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The Thomas Coram CE School

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Newsletter 21

Friday 28 February 2025
Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you. Ephesians 4:32

Important Info for W/C 3rd March 2025

Monday 3rd March

Jennifer Ball - Author visit

Paragraph 3

Thursday 6th March

Word Book Day - Wear your Pj's

Paragraph 3

 Friday 7th March

Peru Class Assembly

9.00 am

Friday 7th March

Numbers Day



 Captains Club

 Paragraph 4


HCC - Pedestrian Crossing Consultation

Paragraph 6

Flyers, letters and links



 Bottom of newsletter

 Resilience quote of the week:  “I tried and failed. I tried again and again and succeeded.”
This week at Thomas Coram
A busy start to the half term, as always! I loved our Year 3's coming in for their Stone Age day on Tuesday all dressed up. I was very impressed with all of the leopard print and said to the children I should have been in the Stone Age times, with my love of leopard print. All of the children were so excited and had such a fab day! We also took some of the children from Production Club to see Matilda last night, which was amazing! The children were a credit to the school. We have World Book Day coming up next week, please don't forget to buy your chocolate bars, with the opportunity to win a golden ticket! Also a huge thank you to Loki and his family for coming in during half term last week and sorting out the rubbish and equipment in the bushes. I have encouraged the children not to bring snacks in with wrappers to try to reduce the amount of rubbish in the bushes. 
I am a little sad to be writing this, but we have had complaints yet again from people parking irresponsibly at pick up time! I do not want to close the turning circle, but if things do not improve I will now close the turning circle permanently as I am not going to have parents being abusive to me, other parents or residents and then keep receiving email complaints regarding this matter. 
Have a great weekend!
On Monday, Sarah form Sunnyside came in to talk to the children about Matthew 4:1-11. We spoke about the importance of preparing for things and ensuring we are ready for big events. Today we had our star of the week celebration and celebrated all of our wonderful children!

Important Information

Wear Pyjamas for World Book Day - Thursday 6th March!

To celebrate World Book Day this year, all pupils are invited to come into school in their cosiest pyjamas with a copy of their favourite bedtime book! 

 Our World Book Day competition this year is to create a  'book in a box'.  Using an old shoe box or cereal box, children can recreate a scene or setting from their favourite book - we will be looking for bright and colourful creations that we can put on display in the library (we've attached some examples to inspire you!). There will be a prize for the most exciting entry for each year group and we're looking forward to seeing all your creations!


On Monday 3rd March, the international bestselling author Jennifer Ball will be taking the children on an adventure through her new book, Magicalia: Race of Wonders, where spectacular beasts called magicores are conjured using different emotions.
They will learn about ancient meteorites, the science of energy and the magic of our imaginations as they discover the secrets of conjuring. Will they survive an encounter with a grudgernaut? How high can an ozoz jump? What sound does a hix make?

 She will be signing books for the children at the event.

IMPORTANT – Parents, you can order her books from Our Bookshop, the host of this author visit…
The signed books will be given to your child on the day.

This will be very exciting for all the children.

 IMPORTANT MESSAGE FROM BEN AT OUR BOOKSHOP - Please include your child's name and class so the books can be labelled up for the event. Postage is not required; we will deliver all the books on the day.

Captain's Club
Please can we ask all users of Captain's Club to log onto Arbor and check that their bookings are correct. We have had lots of children turn up this week with no booking. If you child does not have a booking showing on Arbor and you have not paid, please do not send then anyway! Whilst the office is always happy to help, the quickest and easiest way to solve this, is book them on directly. Please also familiarise yourself with the new booking process happening after Easter.

If you have any queries regarding payments - please email wraparound@thomascoram.herts.sch.uk and we will get back to you.


GB Paralympic Athlete visit
On Wednesday 27th March, we will be having a visit from Kylie Grimes, a GB athlete. Kylie Grimes is a 3 x Paralympic Athlete who has played wheelchair Rugby at the Paralympics and is the first female to achieve gold in the sport in the world. Kylie will be coming into school and doing a sponsored circuit challenge with each class and doing an assembly for the whole school. Your child should have come home this week with sponsorship details. All funds raised will go between an athlete fund (ActivKids Uk) who help train athletes, and US! This will allow us to purchase new PE equipment and enhance our PE offering. We appreciate that times may be tough for certain families at the moment, so please do not feel you have to take part in the sponsorship, all children will be taking part regardless of any sponsorships that have been raised. The children were told about this event this week and are very excited.

Community Information

HCC Pedestrian Crossing Consultation
You may be aware that Hertfordshire County Council have launched a consultation regarding pedestrian crossings in Chesham Road and Hilltop Road. We believe these will increase the safety of the whole community. Please follow this link to complete a very brief questionnaire where you are able to indicate your support for the proposals. The consultation runs until 11.45pm on 3 March.

Friends of Thomas Coram

Latest FOTC WOW don't forget to check out the FOTC Box Office - for all tickets!


Madagascar - Billy  - For his enthusiasm and focus throughout our Stone Age day.

South Africa - Whole Class - For their fantastic resilience and confidence when sharing their persuasive speeches to the Year 6 children.

Gambia - George - For thoughtful contributions during class discussions this week and always working hard on any given task. Well done George! 

Finland - Nate - For his positive attitude towards learning, his cheerful demeanour and for always trying his best.

Norway - Scotia -  For always being super focused and putting consistent effort into her work. 

Croatia - Lucy G - For her descriptive and persuasive writing about Berkhamsted.  Well done!

China - Olivia - For being enthusiastic and conscientious in lessons.

Borneo - Elizabeth - For being a credit to our class and a wonderful role model to her peers.

India - Joshua - For brilliant work in Area in Maths this week 

Brazil - Emily - For always trying to contribute to lessons, working hard on her Maths and English. You are always so helpful.

Mexico - Immy - For working diligently in Maths this week. 

Peru - Mabel - For her fantastic writing this week. 

Weekly Attendance W/C 24/02/2025
Year 3: 98.1%
Year 4: 94.6%
Year 5: 93.6%
Year 6:  91.7%
Whole school: 94.6%

"Everyday in school makes a difference to your child's future" 


                                        A full calendar is available here   

Information attached this week

Whole School letters/emails sent this week  
  •  Parent consultation bookings

Flyers/ Links


This week at St Peter's

Details of services at St Peter's can be found here.

To read the latest news from St Peter's click here.