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Newsletter 18

Friday 31st January 2025
Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you. Ephesians 4:32

Important Info for W/C 3rd February 2025

 Monday 3rd - Friday 7th February

Mental Health and Well Being Week 


Friday 7th February 

Finland Class assembly - 9.00am 

Friday 7th February

FOTC Break the Rules Day

Paragraph 4

Friday 7th February 

FOTC Quiz Night

 Paragraph 4

Flyers, letters and links

at bottom of newsletter



 Resilience quote of the week: “Life doesn’t get easier or more forgiving, we get stronger and more resilient.”.”
Resilient Riser: Jacob - Norway
This week at Thomas Coram
A huge thank you to all of Team TC who have donated for the Break The Rules day for MND, being celebrated next Friday. As you know, this is now a charity very close to my heart and the support the charity give to patients and their families is incredible, so any money we can raise is amazing! I know the children will be really excited for this day, but normal expectations of course, still apply. I am really sad, as I unfortunately am not going to be in school next Friday, as Jonny and I are starting our first intensive rehab session in Manchester at a specialist rehabilitation centre that specialises in MND. I want to say well done to all the children for their amazing efforts with their assessments over the last two weeks. I know teachers will be sending home some exam papers to help parents understand where their child is at. I was particularly impressed this week when I went into Year 6 and observed their English lessons. The children were so engaged! I was also really impressed with our Year 5 children and the amazing persuasive letters they have been writing to me! They are incredible! I hope you all have a fantastic weekend. 
On Monday, we looked at the Good Samaritan and thought about how we could be better at helping others in our daily life, this story was then looked at in class worships on Wednesday and Thursday. In singing assembly, we listened to music from China as we entered the gym. Then sang a two-part round. Then thought about ways in which we could make changes in our lives and to not wait to make them. On this theme, we sang 'From Now On' from The Greatest Showman. Last week we listened to talented Sofia play 'Hallelujah' on the violin and this week we heard Isra (y3) sing Dance Monkey confidently. Today we had our celebration worship and celebrated our wonderful stars of the week. 

Important Information

Music lessons
As you know TC offers music lessons to pupils via Herts Music. If this is something you think your child may be interested please find out more here. A new drum teacher is starting at TC and lesson will be on a Thursday. 


Friends of Thomas Coram

Only 1 week to go until Quiz Night! Bookings close at midnight on Wednesday - make sure you've got your tickets now!! Get your tickets now! 


Break the Rules for MND.

Whilst we are sure the children are super excited about this day of 'letting loose', we must remind you that any rule broken that is not on the list, will be treated as a normal rule break!





Madagascar - Isra - for wonderful singing in assembly and for super improvement in her maths!

South Africa - Whole Class - for their excellent efforts, perseverance and resilience with their assessments this week.

Gambia - Whole Class - for excellent focus and resilience during assessments this week. You should all be very proud of yourselves. Well done! 

Finland - Albany - for working really hard in English this week and producing an interesting and well-written newspaper report

Norway - Evan for having a super attitude to his learning ,focus in class and taking on board feedback given to improve his work. 

Croatia - Whole class - for working hard and striving to achieve your best in the assessments. Well done.

China - China -  for their hard work and resilience during Assessment Week.

Borneo - Whole Class - for showing their resilience during assessment week.

India - Yasmin  - for brilliant arithmetic skills this week.

Brazil - Maggie - for resilience in purple polishing her Maths papers.

Mexico - Richie - for fantastic learning at home and at school, especially with his maths. Well done Richie!

Peru - Imaan - for working incredibly hard on her persuasive speech to banish war to room 101.

Weekly Attendance W/C 27/01/2025
Year 3: 94.1%
Year 4: 95.1%
Year 5: 92.6%
Year 6: 87.8% 
Whole school: 92.5%

"Everyday in school makes a difference to your child's future" 


                                        A full calendar is available here   


Information attached this week

Whole School letters/emails sent this week  


Flyers/ Links


This week at St Peter's

Details of services at St Peter's can be found here.

To read the latest news from St Peter's click here.