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The Thomas Coram CE School

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Newsletter 17

Friday 24th January 2025
Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you. Ephesians 4:32

Important Info for W/C 27th January 2025

Parent volunteers


Paragraph 3


 Game on 

Free of charge multisports  day

Friday 21st February 

Paragraph 4

Airup bottles

Just a reminder that they are not allowed in school either with or without pods


Flyers, letters and links

at bottom of newsletter



 Resilience quote of the week: “She stood in the storm and when the wind did not blow her way, she adjusted her sails.”
Resilient Riser: William (Brazil)
This week at Thomas Coram
First of all I just want to say a huge thank you to everyone in the Team TC community, the support and love I have received this week has been immense and I am so thankful to every single person that makes up TC. The flowers I have received this week have been beautiful and reminds me that there is positivity and hope in every single day! This week I went into Year 3 and 4 to look at the learning taking place and I was so impressed with everything I saw. The children were active in their lessons, they were engaged and they were able to explain their learning so well. I was particularly impressed in Croatia class when the children spoke about the present perfect tense, which normally even Year 6 children struggle with. I am really looking forward to seeing Year 5 and 6 learning taking place over the next two weeks. We also said a temporary goodbye to Mrs Forde today as she starts her maternity leave. We are sending her and her husband lots of love for the coming weeks and cannot wait to hear their news, once baby arrives!  Have a wonderful weekend! 
On Monday, Sarah came in from Sunnyside to lead our worship on The Parable of the Sower. We thought about the importance of this bible story and how it can impact our lives. On Tuesday, in our singing assembly this week, we listened to John's Boys Choir perform 'Falling' by Harry Styles. We then discussed our religious and personal beliefs before singing Tom Jones' 'I Believe.' This song particularly made the point that in every situation there can be a beacon of light to help. We finished by watching Olly Murs and Tom Jones perform 'Somebody to Love' which we all sang understanding the importance of being loved and giving love.

Important Information

Parent Volunteers

We would love any parents or other relatives of Thomas Coram pupils to perform in a concert to pupils. This would be on a Tuesday at 1pm and only last an hour. All standards of performers are welcomed on any instrument. Vocal performances would also be very welcome. Please email the school or speak to Mrs Bruguier if this is something that you would like to participate in. We would like this to be in April.

Game on
Every February half term Game On offer FREE sports coaching for Primary School children. In return they ask parents to make a donation to their chosen charity which this year is Teenage Charity Trust. The Trust does amazing work to improve the quality of life and chance of survival for young cancer patients aged 13 to 24 and they hope to beat last years total of £2,100. Thomas Coram's day is Friday 21st February details of how to book can be found here

Poppy appeal
A huge thank you from the Royal British Legion as TC raised £193.90 for their annual poppy appeal. 

Friends of Thomas Coram

As promised WOW is back! See all the latest news here. Two weeks today is our fabulous adults only back to school quiz. Miss it at your peril! Get your tickets now!


Community Information and News


Berkhamsted Library
Berkhamsted Library is running another set of Page One sessions on Monday 20th, 27th January and 3rd, 10th February for children aged 7-11. Each session is an hour long. Tickets cost £10 for the four sessions, but if someone is unable to join us for the full four sessions, to come and speak with us at Berkhamsted Library and we will be able to offer a reduced rate. 

Barn Dance
Join Northchurch Social Centre for their next community event - a Barn Dance from 7pm on Saturday 8th February '25 for an evening of dancing, drinks, nibbles and fun! £7 per person, includes nibbles. Donations bar serving soft and alcoholic drinks (cash or card), and raffle.  Everyone is welcome!

More details and buy tickets at https://www.northchurch-social-centre.co.uk/upcoming-events

Energy Events run by Grand Union Community Energy and Eco Berko

Please join us at a free workshop, being run by Grand Union Community Energy and Eco Berko. These will be educational and inspiring events, to help us all to think about saving energy to reduce our bills and also protect the planet for our children. 

Open Door - Tues 28th January 7.00pm - 8.30pm
Bridgewater School - Thurs 30th January 7.00pm-8.00pm

The workshops will offer information on where to get financial aid for energy efficiency in your homes, signpost unbiased expertise/advice, and get you started thinking about reducing energy use/switching to renewable energy.

Please use this link to book your place at the event Eco Berko Event Booking Link. Both events are open to the public, so please share the word.

We hope to see you there. 




Madagascar - Arthur - for sharing lots of ideas in class and using amazing vocabulary.

South Africa - Amber - for always demonstrating a positive attitude, resilience and working hard in every lesson.

Gambia - Lara - for always trying her best in every subject, sharing her ideas with the class and for being a lovely member of the class. Well done Lara!

Finland - Jaxson - for his improved focus and concentration in lessons this week.

Norway - Gilly for showing resilience when she was nervous at swimming this week, but did a super job once we got there. 

Croatia - Thomas - for his kind and gentle nature and for his diligence in all areas.

China - Betsy and Fraser -  for brilliant persuasive writing in English.

Borneo - Florence - for her commitment to English writing and producing a wonderful persuasive argument.

India - Chase  - for excellent persuasive writing. 

Brazil - All of Brazil - for showing amazing resilience, hard work and focus in all our assessments this week. You have been fantastic.

Mexico - Archie - for exceptional focus during assessment week, showing off his best work.

Peru - All of Peru - for being incredible during assessment week and very resilient during writing persuasive speeches. 

Weekly Attendance W/C 20/01/2025
Year 3: 94.5%
Year 4: 96.9%
Year 5: 92.5%
Year 6: 93.9% 
Whole school: 94.5%

"Everyday in school makes a difference to your child's future" 


                                        A full calendar is available here   


Information attached this week

Whole School letters/emails sent this week  


Flyers/ Links

 Herts Music Service - join them for a day of 'Rock and Rollin' in half term

This week at St Peter's

Details of services at St Peter's can be found here.

To read the latest news from St Peter's click here.