Newsletter 16
Friday 17th January 2025Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you. Ephesians 4:32
Important Info for W/C 20th January 2025
Friday 24th January |
Gambia Class Assembly |
9.00am |
Flyers, letters and links at bottom of newsletter |
Thank you to everyone who has sent in messages of love and support. Miss Hill is really thankful and appreciative of your kindness.
Best wishes
Ms Roberts
Friends of Thomas Coram
On Friday 7th February there are two events taking place:
Adults only back to school quiz. Get your tickets now!
Break the rules day - more details of this will be found in WOW which is back next week.
Community Information and News
Barn Dance
Join Northchurch Social Centre for their next community event - a Barn Dance from 7pm on Saturday 8th February '25 for an evening of dancing, drinks, nibbles and fun! £7 per person, includes nibbles. Donations bar serving soft and alcoholic drinks (cash or card), and raffle. Everyone is welcome!
More details and buy tickets at
Energy Events run by Grand Union Community Energy and Eco Berko
Please join us at a free workshop, being run by Grand Union Community Energy and Eco Berko. These will be educational and inspiring events, to help us all to think about saving energy to reduce our bills and also protect the planet for our children.
Open Door - Tues 28th January 7.00pm - 8.30pm
Bridgewater School - Thurs 30th January 7.00pm-8.00pm
The workshops will offer information on where to get financial aid for energy efficiency in your homes, signpost unbiased expertise/advice, and get you started thinking about reducing energy use/switching to renewable energy.
Please use this link to book your place at the event Eco Berko Event Booking Link. Both events are open to the public, so please share the word.
We hope to see you there.
Hospice of St Francis - Theatre Production!
The Hospice of St Francis is very excited to present our first ever Theatre Production.
Introducing the critically acclaimed and fabulously funny; CALENDAR GIRLS (adults only)!
The show is running from the 21st- 23rd February. Written by the extremely talented Tim Firth and music by ex-Take That star Gary Barlow, this is a show that guarantees to blow those winter blues away. The show is being performed at Berkhamsted Centenary Theatre with all profits going to The Hospice of St Francis which, as you know, support over 2000 people, and their families, locally with life limiting illnesses and end of life care. All Hospice of St Francis care is free. Tickets are all £20 and are selling fast so please book yours asap. We can’t wait to see you there.
New housing development and road changes
Dacorum Borough Council are in the initial stages of consultation for the planning application on the land south of Berkhamsted. Further information on how this will affect Berkhamsted as a town can be found here. The planning application number is 24/02868/MOA.

Madagascar - Theo - for marvellous his maths work and improved handwriting this week
South Africa - April - for her enthusiasm and resilience in lessons this week, particularly when sharing her vocabulary in English, and then creating her own additional work for PSHE
Gambia - Victoria - for her contributions in lessons, supporting her peers and being a great all-rounder. Well done Victoria!
Finland - Maya - for working hard on her writing in all subjects this week and producing some super independent writing
Norway - Gabriel - for starting the Spring Term with focus and a fantastic attitude to his learning. Keep up the great work!
Croatia - Isabelle - for approaching her school day with enthusiasm and cheerfulness and a willingness to do her best work.
China - Scarlett and Archie - Scarlett for being resilient in English and writing an excellent persuasive speech and Archie for being resilient in Art and creating amazing work
Borneo - Jago - for consistently excellent effort in all subjects at the start of the Spring Term and always having a smile on his face.
India - Hugo - for fantastic effort in maths.
Brazil - William and Samuel - for improved focus and contributions to lessons this week
Mexico - Elijah - for his brilliant attitude and effort especially in maths. Keep this up!
Peru - Charlie - for showing great resilience and hard work when working on algebra this week.
Weekly Attendance W/C 13/01/2025
Year 3: 95%
Year 4: 98.2%
Year 5: 94.8%
Year 6: 92.2%
Whole school:
"Everyday in school makes a difference to your child's future"
A full calendar is available here
Information attached this week
Whole School letters/emails sent this week
Email from Miss Hill
Flyers/ Links
This week at St Peter's
Details of services at St Peter's can be found here.
To read the latest news from St Peter's click here.