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The Thomas Coram CE School

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Newsletter 15

Friday 10th January 2025
Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you. Ephesians 4:32

Important Info for W/C 13th January 2025

Monday 13th January

Y4 timetables evening

(parents only) 



Anxiety Unravelled - free course

Paragraph 2

Tuesday 14th January 

Norway Swimming lessons


 Paragraph 3

 Thursday 16th January

Census Day lunch menu 


Paragraph 4 



Please don't forget to top up your child's lunch account in Arbor. 


Flyers, letters and links

at bottom of newsletter



 Resilience quote of the week: “She stood in the storm and when the wind did not blow her way, she adjusted her sails.”
Resilient Riser: Scarlett (China)
Most resilient class last term: Peru - well done!
This week at Thomas Coram
Welcome back Team TC! We have had a really exciting week this week with all of our WOW days: Roman, Shang and WW2 days! The children have loved their immersive experiences and have enjoyed telling me things they have learnt during those days. We had a lovely day yesterday and today, as we went on the field due to the playground being too icy at break time! It was so wonderful to look around at all the children playing and really made me reflect on how great it would be to use our space more. I am going to task that job to our new MP's. We have a lot of exciting things to look forward to this term: author visits, an athlete visit, Young Voices for Year 5 to name a few and I am really looking forward to the lighter and brighter days ahead. I also want to say a huge thank you to everyone for listening to the email yesterday and this morning and made drop off and pick up so easy with the burst water main. 

Important information

Anxiety Unravelled - Free Course
We have been made aware by many parents over the last few years of the increasing anxiety that their children are showing. This is the case across the local area and beyond and so Bounce Forward are offering three 'Supporting my child with anxiety' workshops to all Dacorum parents free of charge. The first session is on Wednesday 29th January but the sessions can be accessed at any time after the initial sign up. Please see the here for more information and to sign up. 

Y4 Norway Swimming Lessons - Start Tuesday 14th January
Pupils will need a plain swimming costume / trunks, a swim hat and goggles. 

Census Day lunch - Thursday 16th January
To celebrate census day HCL are holding a burger day. The options will be a Beef burger, Quorn burger or Chicken Fillet burger with potato wedges. The usual salad bar and jacket potatoes will be available. There will be no sandwich option.

Dacorum Family Services
Helping your child with their anger - This workshop will be held in person at Hobbs Hill Wood Primary School, HP3 8ER  on Tuesday 14th January, 9.30-11.00 am. For more information and to book a place please click here 

Friends of Thomas Coram

Welcome back! We hope you all had a wonderful Christmas & New year. Please find our first 'WOW' update of 2025 here! It contains a spending update and details of our upcoming Back 2 School Quiz, taking place on Friday 7th Feb.

Community Information and News

Berkhamsted Library
Berkhamsted Library is running another set of Page One sessions on Monday 20th, 27th January and 3rd, 10th February for children aged 7-11. Each session is an hour long. Tickets cost £10 for the four sessions, but if someone is unable to join us for the full four sessions, to come and speak with us at Berkhamsted Library and we will be able to offer a reduced rate. 

Rotary Young Photographer Competition
The Rotary Young Photographer Competition is free to enter and open to all young people aged 7-17 years old. It is an opportunity to interpret this year’s theme: Wonderful Water’ and express their ideas through the medium of photography.
Ownership of a fancy camera is not essential as any digital photo in .jpg format can be submitted, so mobile phone cameras can be used.  Furthermore, entrants submit a portfolio of three pictures online, thus avoiding any printing costs.
There are three age related entry levels:

                  Junior:             7 to 10 years old
                  Intermediate:  11 to 13 years old
                  Senior:             14 to 17 years old
The competition details and entrance packs are available now at 
The closing date is the end of this month, the 31 January 2025.
Winners of each Dacorum level will receive a £100 prize, an engraved commemoration plate and the opportunity to have their work displayed in exhibitions.  All entrants receive an online



Madagascar - Ellia - for impressive independent maths work.

South Africa - Seb - for having an excellent attitude towards his learning and showing fantastic resilience in lessons since returning from Christmas.

Gambia - Ben - for settling in well to Thomas Coram and having a great first week. Well done Ben!

Finland - Jenson - for his enthusiastic participation in our history WOW day. 

Norway - Anna for super participation during our Roman WOW day, in all activities. 

Croatia - Loki - for listening well to others and making thoughtful comments during class discussions. 

China - The Whole Class - for their hard work and focus this week.

Borneo - Joshua - for being a role model to others and starting this term with an incredibly positive attitude to learning, well done.

India - Harrison - for brilliant focus and contribution in English this week.

Brazil - Emily - for superb scientific ideas designing an experiment to prove that light travels in straight lines.

Mexico - Ivy - for excellent perseverance and now independence with algebra.

Peru - Sky - for being incredibly engaged in all aspects of WOW day and volunteering to help peers in the class.

Weekly Attendance W/C 06/01/2025
Year 3: 98.4%
Year 4: 95.1%
Year 5: 94.8 %
Year 6: 93.9%
Whole school: 95.6% 

"Everyday in school makes a difference to your child's future" 

Congratulations to Gambia who have 100% attendance this week. The first class of the academic year to achieve this!

                                        A full calendar is available here   


Information attached this week

Whole School letters/emails sent this week  


Flyers/ Links

 Rock Steady Sign Up



This week at St Peter's

Details of services at St Peter's can be found here.

To read the latest news from St Peter's click here.