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Newsletter 14

Friday 13 December 2024
Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you. Ephesians 4:32

Important Info for W/C 16th December 2024

Monday 16th December



Monday 16th December 

LKS Christmas Party - dress down for Year 3 and 4

13.00 - 15.25 

Tuesday 17th December

UKS Christmas Party - Dress down for Year 5 and 6 


13.00 - 15.25

Wednesday 18th December

Christmas Lunch and Christmas Jumper Day - Christmas Jumper with school uniform


  Thursday 19th December

FOTC after school doughnuts and dress down 


Friday 20th December 

End of Term service at 

St Peters 


 Friday 20th December

End of Term 



Bottom of the newsletter 


 Resilience quote of the week: “She stood in the storm and when the wind did not blow her way, she adjusted her sails.”
Resilient Riser: Connor (Gambia)
Most resilient acts, class, last week: Peru 
This week at Thomas Coram
We have had a wonderfully festive week this week, with our Year 3 children performing their Christmas showcase! They did an amazing job at speaking and demonstrating how their countries and the UK, follow Christmas traditions! I particularly liked the Christmas jokes some of the children told. Well done to all of the Year 3 team for putting on a wonderful show for everyone! If you would like to donate to the Y3 Christmas Showcase charity, Headway, you still can here. A resilient riser from each year has taken home the traveling crib for a night this week. With just a week to go, we are going to be in full Christmas spirit next week with the Christmas parties, lunch and service on the last day of term. I am really looking forward to our final week and cannot wait to wish you all a Merry Christmas next week. Have a wonderful weekend.

Important information

Y4 Swimming Lessons 
Over Spring & Summer Term, Y4 pupils will be taking part in a course of swimming lessons as part of the national curriculum. These will be taking place during the school day at the Knox Jonston Sport Centre on Kings Road.  Pupils will need a plain swimming costume / trunks, a swim hat and goggles. Norway will be the first class starting on Tuesday 14th January. A letter will be sent out next week. Croatia and Finland will complete their lessons in the summer term. 

Forest School/PE
Dates for Spring term will be sent out next week and put on the website.

Dacorum Family Services
Helping your child with their anger - This workshop will be held in person at Hobbs Hill Wood Primary School, HP3 8ER  on Tuesday 14th January, 9.30-11.00 am. For more information and to book a place please click here 

Friends of Thomas Coram

On Tuesday night, you may have been lucky enough to see The FOTC Elves helping Santa in the George Street area! A huge thank you to everyone that volunteered and to Lots of Rice for donating their evenings tips and sharing their fortune cookies with Santa! It is not too late to support the FOTC, Berko Rotary and other local charities by donating here. The final FOTC newsletter for this term can be found here


Community Information and News

Christmas Tree Collection
If you have a real tree, local Scout Groups in the area are offering a collection service. For a suggested voluntary contribution of £6/tree, they will pick up your tree on Sunday 5th January 2025 and take it the Dacorum Council Shredder. The chippings are used in parks and roundabouts throughout Dacorum. All funds raised will go to local Scout charities.

Please book and pay for your tree collection online by midnight on 3 January, or visit the Scouts Christmas tree market stall next to Tesco in Berkhamsted, 9-2pm, Saturday 4 Januaryhttps://trees.1stberkhamsted.org.uk/

Berkhamsted Town Council - Free Film!
BTC are showing a free children’s Christmas film, The Grinch, on Friday 20th December at 2.30pm in Berkhamsted Civic Centre. All children must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. No booking required!


Madagascar - Evie - for her dancing and singing in Madagascar's show and for also asking if she can help me in any way. So appreciated!

South Africa - Hana - for taking on extra work in the class show.. willingly and brilliantly! Noah -  for always having a positive attitude towards his learning and demonstrating resilience, particularly in French this week.

Gambia - Kayden - for becoming more and more confident in Maths this week and realising that he can do it! Well done Kayden! 

Finland - Anya - for really great independent writing in English this week and using lots of description in her Frindleswylde story.

Norway - Barnaby for writing a fantastic sequel to Frindleswylde. Well done. 

Croatia - Henry - for working hard to improve his handwriting.  Well done!

China - Arthur H - for always being polite, hardworking and making valuable contributions in lessons.

Borneo - Delilah and Jack - for their commitment, enthusiasm and dedication in their role as Pupil Parliament. You are a role model to others.

India - Michael - for his fabulous effort publishing his biography of Harriet Tubman.

Brazil - Charlotte and Lola - for their amazing performance in the Rocksteady concert last week.

Mexico - Immy - for welcoming people into her group for role play in our English lesson and being a fantastic team player!

Peru - Eliza - for being a great role model in class and proactive in every endeavour.

Weekly Attendance W/C 9/12/24
Year 3: 95.9%
Year 4: 93.9% 
Year 5:  94.5%
Year 6: 93%
Whole school:  94.4%

"Everyday in school makes a difference to your child's future" 

                                        A full calendar is available here   


Information attached this week

Whole School letters/emails sent this week  


Flyers/ Links

RockSteady - Join a band from January 2025!

This week at St Peter's

Details of services at St Peter's can be found here.

To read the latest news from St Peter's click here.