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The Thomas Coram CE School

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Newsletter 13

Friday 6 December 2024
Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you. Ephesians 4:32

Important Info for W/C 9th December 2024




Sunnyside Messy Christmas

Saturday 7th December


Paragraph 3 

Spring Clubs





 Year 3 Christmas Showcase

Tuesday 10th December 


Cheerleading assembly (parents/carers of cheerleaders)

Wednesday 11th December



 Year 3 Christmas Showcase 

 Wednesday 11th December  


 Piano Concert

Thursday 12th December 






Bottom of the newsletter 


 Resilience quote of the week: Enthusiasm is common. Endurance is rare.
Resilient Riser: Annabelle (China)
Most resilient acts, class, last week: Mexico
This week at Thomas Coram
What a fantastic week we have had at TC! Yesterday we had our amazing Rocksteady Concert and the children were incredible. So brave and so talented, all of the children watched in delight and it really got us in the Christmas mood. We also had an advisor from Hertfordshire come in yesterday to look at the personal development of the children across the school. She was blown away by all that we offer the children in enrichment: trips, visitors and clubs. She spoke to our pupil parliament and was inspired by how respectful and wonderful the children were. I was also so proud of them and in particular the child who said that what makes TC so special is how united we are and everyone helps and respects one another! Go team TC! I cannot believe we only have two weeks left until we finish, please do ensure you have read the calendar and know about all of the great Christmas things we have coming up over the next ten days. Have a wonderful weekend. 
This week Father Stuart led worship on Monday, looking at the annunciation. Children then looked at this story in class. Children also looked at protected characteristics this week in worship and thought about why it is important people are not discriminated against. Today we had China's wonderful class assembly and celebrated our stars of the week. In singing assembly this week, we sang 'Little Donkey' and 'Defying Gravity.' We also enjoyed listening to Sam play the drums. Next week, we look forward to Sofia on the violin.

Important information

Sunnyside Messy Church
Come along to Sunnyside Church on Saturday 7th December from 3.30-5.30pm for lots of Christmas fun and a tasty meal! We ask for a voluntary donation of £3.50 each or £10 per family to go towards craft and food costs. More information and sign up here: https://sunnyside.churchsuite.com/events/ww2ynwvw
Captains Club
Regular bookings for Captain's Club have been rolled over and are now visable on Arbor. Please can you check your account. If you require additional sessions for your child, they can be booked in Arbor on Monday 9th at 7pm. Please note, if your child is not on the register, they will not be allowed to attend Captain's Club, so please ensure all required bookings are accurate. Email wraparound@thomascoram.herts.sch.uk with any errors by Monday. After this, all bookings will be confirmed and payable.
Extra Curricular Clubs
External clubs will be accepting bookings from Monday 9th at 7pm. Teachers clubs will open on Arbor then too. If your child attended any of these this term, you need to sign up again for spring term - labelled SPRING TERM. Any that don't say sign up on Arbor - just go along to that teachers classroom. The club flyers are on the website under: Our School/Extra Curricular Clubs.

Friends of Thomas Coram

You'll be delighted to know, we think you've had enough of a breather and our What's On Weekly is back and can be found here!


Tickets for Elfridges close tonight at midnight, please ensure you have purchased your tickets before then if you would like your child to take part!

Community Information and News

Berkhamsted Town Council - Free Film!
BTC are showing a free children’s Christmas film, The Grinch, on Friday 20th December at 2.30pm in Berkhamsted Civic Centre. All children must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. No booking required!

Berkhamsted Choral Society.
BCS’s are holding a concert on Sunday 8 December @ 7.00pm at St Peter’s Church in Berkhamsted. It should be a really lovely occasion! More information can be found here



Madagascar - Carwyn - for always trying his best and being a brilliant listener.

South Africa - Ted - for his excellent contributions and ideas in class this week. He has had some excellent ideas for writing our Non-chronological reports.

Gambia - Connor - for Improved focus in class and working hard across the curriculum this week. Well done Connor! 

Finland - Ellis - for excellent description and good use of adverbials and noun phrases in his Frindleswylde story in English this week.

 It was a pleasure to read.

Norway - Zac for a super effort in his writing this week. 

Croatia - Croatia - for always being a most cooperative and helpful person in class. 

China - Rocksteady Performerfor their hard work, enthusiasm and dedication.

Borneo - Wilf and Lola Mae - for their wonderful performances in the Rocksteady Concert, in front of the whole school and parents. Well done.

India - Hannah - for her amazing effort in all subjects.

Brazil - Heidi - for her increasing resilience, always contributing to lessons and amazing footballing skills.

Mexico - Clara - for an outstanding piece of published work in English about her creation the planet 'Chanel'. 

Peru - Harley - for a great performance at the RockSteady concert and working really hard on his non-chronological report about his planet.

Weekly Attendance W/C 02/12/24
Year 3: 97.2%
Year 4: 96.5% 
Year 5:  94.1%
Year 6: 93.6%
Whole school: 95.4 %

"Everyday in school makes a difference to your child's future" 

                                        A full calendar is available here   


Information attached this week

Whole School letters/emails sent this week  

Extra Curricular Clubs email

Flyers/ Links

RockSteady - Join a band from January 2025!

This week at St Peter's

Details of services at St Peter's can be found here.

To read the latest news from St Peter's click here.