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The Thomas Coram CE School

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Newsletter 12

Friday 29 November 2024
Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you. Ephesians 4:32

Important Info for W/C 2nd December 2024

Wednesday 4th December

Flu vaccination catch up session

Paragraph 5

Thursday 5th December

SEND Coffee Morning


 Paragraph 3

Thursday 5th December 

RockSteady Assembly



 Friday 6th December 

China Class Assembly 



 Rotary Box Scheme



Paragraph 4 

Christmas Tree Place


Paragraph 6


Please make sure you top up your child's lunch account in Arbor. 



Bottom of the newsletter 


 Resilience quote of the week: Fall seven times, stand up 8. 
Resilient Riser: Isla (Borneo)
Most resilient acts, class, last week: Borneo
This week at Thomas Coram
Go team TC!! We had an awesome day on Wednesday with Jamie Knight, the freestyle footballer, coming in to TC. We were amazed and awed by his ball skills and his tricks and all of the children were cheering and such great sports people during the performance and in the workshop. I was really proud of the children as he said what an honour it was to come to TC and that the children were fantastic. Thank you to Mrs Knight for organising such a great day! Also a big shout out to Theo in Y5 for taking part in the DENS sleepout last weekend, we are super proud of him. I cannot believe that next week is December and we will be in full Christmas countdown - we have a special surprise for the hall on Monday and cannot wait for the children to see it! Have a wonderful weekend!
Father Stuart was in on Monday looking at Isiah and the Hope of the Prophets, the children then reflected on this story during class worship. On Tuesday in singing assembly, the children sang 'I can trust God' with actions and 'Human' by Rag n bone man. Isla from year 5 also confidently played the piano. We look forward to Sam on the drums next week. Today we celebrated our wonderful stars of the week. 

Important information

SEND parents coffee morning 
There is a SEND coffee morning on Thursday 5th December at 9am. To sign up click here. If you are attending the Rocksteady concert, you are very welcome to come afterwards. 
Rotary Shoebox Scheme
TC are taking part in the Rotary Shoebox Scheme. Over the last 30 years, the scheme has delivered over a million shoe boxes to children in need in Romania and Moldova. The shoeboxes are filled with small toys and gifts and are then shipped by volunteers to orphanges across the region.
How does it work?
Schools are an essential cog in the scheme. Empty boxes are delivered to schools, children then fill the boxes with toys and gifts they are then collected for onward distribution. If you would like a box then please ask your child to collect one from the office. 
How much does it cost?
As well as the donation of toys and gifts, £2.50 may be attached to the box after it is filled to cover costs but this is BY NO MEANS ESSENTIAL.
How to fill and what to put in?
Please see here for details of what to include.
Flu Catch up

Vaccination UK will be in school to complete the flu immunisation on 04/12/2024. If you have not already consented/declined your child receiving the vaccination and you would like to, you can click on the link below and complete a consent form for your child.

The consent/decline needs to be made via the link or the attached poster with QR code. Please ensure you complete this prior to our visit, or you may receive a call on the day to confirm if you consent or decline.

Vaccination UK East Anglia Immunisation (schoolvaccination.uk)

Christmas Tree Place 
TC are taking part in the annual Christmas Tree Fundraiser for schools. A flyer will be coming home with your child today. If you buy your Tree at the Christmas Tree Place please make sure you hand the flyer in when you pay.  Last year we were lucky enough to win one of their prizes! 

Friends of Thomas Coram

Thank you for all the wonderful donations. Please keep an eye on our December Lowdown here for everything coming up. Wreath making is Monday 2nd December and we look forward to seeing you there. If you ordered a DIY kit instructions will be emailed out next week. 
Monday 16th December & Tuesday 17th December - 1pm - 3:25 Christmas Parties. 

Please make sure your class has enough helpers signed up so that the parties can go ahead.

Community Information and News


Berkhamsted Choral Society.
BCS’s are holding a concert on Sunday 8 December @ 7.00pm at St Peter’s Church in Berkhamsted. It should be a really lovely occasion! More information can be found here


Suzanne Stace is holding a Mindfulness Well Being Evening on Monday 2nd December in Epicure from 7.00 - 8.30pm. 


Madagascar - Charlie and Navi - for their improved concentration in lessons.

South Africa - Betsy - for her excellent independence and resilience with her learning this week, particularly in Maths. Well done Betsy!

Gambia - Jessica - for being an encouraging and supportive learning partner this week. Well done Jessica!  

Finland - Freya - for having a fantastic attitude towards learning this week and trying her best in all lessons

Norway - Leofor working hard in maths this week. 

Croatia - Lucy - for your great work in Maths this week. Well done!

China - Alia and Reubenfor writing a brilliant poem based on 'Freedom Bird' in English.

Borneo - Lincoln - for being kind and considerate towards adults.

India - Carly - for her double page spread in Geography about our trip to the River Bulbourne.

Brazil - Avaley - for her amazing kindness, hard work and loveliness.

Mexico - Effie - for excellent contributions to class this week including fantastic engagement in science.

Peru - Charlotte G - for being an all round good egg, working hard in every lesson to produce high quality work and being inquisitive.


Weekly Attendance W/C 25/11/24
Year 3: 96.2%
Year 4: 95.1% 
Year 5:  95.3%
Year 6: 89.8%
Whole school: 94.2%

"Everyday in school makes a difference to your child's future" 

                                        A full calendar is available here   


Information attached this week

Whole School letters/emails sent this week  

 Flu Catch up session

Flyers/ Links

 Santa Dash - Sunday 1st December Hemel Hempstead

 Autumn 2024 Online Safety Newsletter

This week at St Peter's

Details of services at St Peter's can be found here.

To read the latest news from St Peter's click here.