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The Thomas Coram CE School

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Newsletter 10

Friday 15 November 2024
Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you. Ephesians 4:32

Important Info for W/C 18th November 2024

Sunday 17th November

Ashlyns Craft Fair 

Paragraph 8

 Monday 18th - Friday 22nd November

Travelling Book Fair 

 Paragraph 4

 Wednesday 20th November

Open Morning 10.30 am  for September 2025 parents


 Friday 22 November

Croatia Class Assembly



Friday 22 November  

Open Classroom from 3.00pm 

Miss Hill will open the gate at 3pm and you will be able to go and look round your child(ren)'s class(es)

 Paragraph 2

Y5 trips to Boxmoor Trust

Monday - Borneo

Tuesday - China

Wednesday - India 


Attachments/Links at bottom of newsletter 


Online Safety Newsletter 

 Resilience quote of the week: I tried and I failed. I tried again and again and I succeeded. 
Resilient Riser: Effie, Gambia 
Most resilient acts class last week : Finland

This week at Thomas Coram
Go team TC superheroes. We started the week with our two minute silence for Remembrance Day on Monday and Father Stuart led our worship on the importance of Remembrance Day. Mrs Bruguier led a fantastic singing assembly on Tuesday with a remake of Fields of Gold and Flanders Field. It was sung beautifully. Today it was wonderful to see all of the children dressed up and taking part in Children in Need. Thank you for all the donations, we have managed to raise an incredible £1,142 . At lunch time we did our fun run, which was awesome. We had so many children taking part and it was great to be active during that time. Those who didn't run cheered us all on. This week we also had Shell in, a wonderful parent, taking photos across the school and it was so good for me to walk round and see what everyone was doing. Year 6 showed me their fantastic shelters in Forest School, Year 4 showed me their cooking and PE skills, I saw some Maths from our Year 5 children and our Year 3's demonstrated their excellent reading abilities. I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend. 
Important info
Open Classroom 
Next Friday we have our first open class of the year. Miss Hill will open the gate at 3pm and you will be able to go into your child's class to look at their work, once you have finished you may then take your child. Miss Hill will be closing the gate at 3:40, so no one will be able to come in after this time. We look forward to welcoming you in next week. 
Singing Assemblies 
Mrs Bruguier is requesting for any child who would like to play an instrument or sing at the start of worships to get in touch with her. Either your child can approach her or send an email via the office. I look forward to seeing some fabulous musicians in the future. 
The Travelling Book Fair will be in the library this week. Children will be welcome to purchase books at lunchtime or during their weekly library sessions (Years 3 & 6 - Tuesday & Wednesday, Years 4 & 5 - Thursday & Friday). Books an be purchased with cash or by card via a QR code. We will also be open after school each day until 4pm if you would like to come and have a look with your child. Every book sold raises money for new books for our library!
Just Launched!! 

The biggest public conversation about creating a future facing NHS has been launched by the UK Government.  RCPCH &Us has resources to help support children and young people's voices to inform and influence the 10-year Health Plan in England. 

Download the survey, session plans, BSL video, symbols, FAQs, slide deck, flyer and more at:


Deadline for submissions 17 Nov. Please get in touch if you have questions to and_us@rcpch.ac.uk  

Save the Date - SEND parents coffee morning 
Thank you to the parents who attended the PINs coffee morning yesterday, following on from feedback from the parents, we are offering an SEND coffee morning to parents on Thursday 5th December at 9am. Once we have more details on the focus, we will inform you. 

Friends of Thomas Coram

Please see our December Lowdown here which is for all things happening between now and the end of term. There is a lot of information but we felt it was best to have it all in one place. All of our events are bookable in our box office that can be found here

Community Information and News

Ashlyns Craft Fair - Sunday 17th November

Ashlyns Craft Fair will showcase over 60 stalls selling unique handmade gifts for all budgets. Christmas decorations, keyrings and bags, jewellery, natural beauty products, sweets, artisan chocolates, original greeting cards, artworks and much more will be available. The ever popular cafe will also be open for shoppers to enjoy a selection of hot food, cakes and drinks. Creative Classroom will be running a Design-a-Bauble event for children (£2.50) no booking required!

Girlguiding Berkhamsted Christmas Market Saturday 23rd November

Girlguiding Berkhamsted District are holding a family Christmas Market on Saturday 23 November, 10am-12pm at Berkhamsted Town Hall. There will be fun games, tombolas, crafts for children, cakes, refreshments and much more! Free entry; cash only. Please come along and support local Rainbows, Brownies and Guides.

Berkhamsted Youth Theatre
Berkhamsted Youth Theatre are putting on 101 Dalmations from Thursday 28th - Saturday 30th November at the DEMBE Theatre, Station Road Tring. You can book tickets here. There is also a discount for local youth groups of 10 or more!

Berkhamsted’s Swan Youth Club helps shine a light on youth mental health funding challenges at Prime Minister’s Question Time 

Local MP, Victoria Collins, highlighted in Parliament this week the great work The Swan Youth Club is doing to support young people’s struggles with anxiety and mental health in our community. The Swan Youth Club is open term time from 3.30 – 6pm for anyone from Yr 6 upwards who lives in the area to come along and try out new activities, cook, share food – or just chill, chat and hang out with friends in a safe and welcoming environment. Look out for our stall at the Berkhamsted Festival of Light on Sunday 24 November, where we'll be selling Christmas jumpers for all the family! 


Madagascar - Whole Class - for working so hard this week and adapting to new plans. Great work. 

South Africa - Albert - for his excellent confidence and resilience in English this week when using conjunctions in sentences.

Gambia - Buddy - for great focus in class this week and for always showing respect to others - well done Buddy! 

Finland - Karina - for the enthusiasm she has shown towards her learning this week and the thoughtful contributions she has made to lessons and discussions.

Norway - Severynfor a super effort with his behaviour in class and showing his resilience when sharing his own experiences of war in the Remembrance Day lesson this week. 

Croatia - Essie - for her focus and interest to achieve her best in all areas of learning.

China -Leonardfor his resilience and hard work in Maths.

Borneo - Evie - for being an amazing role model for her peers, well done.

India - Oliver - for his amazing effort with his writing in English this week.

Brazil - Millie - for working hard in Maths and growing confidence.

Mexico - Vlad- for always choosing respect in every situation. You are a pleasure to teach!

Peru - Harvey - for showing respect in the classroom and begin delightful to adults and peers. Keep it up!


Weekly Attendance W/C 11/11/24
Year 3: 96.8%
Year 4: 96.5% 
Year 5:  94.3%
Year 6:  95.3%
Whole school: 95.8%

"Education is the passport to the future, and attendance is the stamp that gets you there" 

                                        A full calendar is available here   


Information attached this week

Whole School letters/emails sent this week  

 Christmas card update

Flyers/ Links

Autumn 2024 Online Safety Newsletter

This week at St Peter's

Details of services at St Peter's can be found here.

To read the latest news from St Peter's click here.