Newsletter 19
Friday 7 February 2025Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you. Ephesians 4:32
Important Info for W/C 10th February 2025
Tuesday 11th February |
Safer Internet day |
Tuesday 11th February |
Y5 - Young Voices at Wembley
Paragraph 3 |
Friday 14th February |
FOTC Dress Down and Doughnuts |
Captains Club |
Paragraph 4 |
Monday 17th - Friday 21st February |
Half Term
Flyers, letters and links at bottom of newsletter |
On Monday, we looked at the Parable of the Prodigal Son and thought about when we make mistakes how we can we learn form them and change our behaviour. We also sang We All Live In God's Big Family - which was a really lovely song to sing as a school. In singing assembly this week, we perfected our two-part round ready for the challenge of a four-part round next time. Lariene bravely sang ‘Lost Boy’ which showed real courage in front of us all. We then linked this song to the worship story of the two brothers and the greeting that the lost son received. We finished by singing ‘You Will be Found’ from ‘Dear Evan Hansen.’ Today we had Finland's wonderful class worship and celebrated our stars of the week!
Important Information
Y5 Young Voices
We are really looking forward to Young Voices. Please do not worry if you have bought tickets you will get to see your child perform. These should be with the school by Monday at the latest.
Captains Club
Captain's Club balances for Spring 2 are available on Arbor. Please ensure payment has been made by Monday 17th Feb.
World Book Week- Monday 3rd March
International bestselling author Jennifer Bell is coming to TC to help celebrate World Book Week.
Jennifer will take the children on an adventure through her new book, Magicalia: Race of Wonders, where spectacular beasts called magicores are conjured using different emotions.
They will learn about ancient meteorites, the science of energy and the magic of our imaginations as you discover the secrets of conjuring. Will they survive an encounter with a grudgernaut? How high can an ozoz jump? What sound does a hix make?
She will be signing books for the children at the event.
IMPORTANT – Parents, you can order her books from Our Bookshop, the host of this author visit…
The signed books will be given to your child on the day.
This will be very exciting for all the children.
IMPORTANT MESSAGE FROM BEN AT OUR BOOKSHOP - Please include your child's name and class so the books can be labelled up for the event. Postage is not required; we will deliver all the books on the day.
Community Information
We are looking forward to seeing lots of children at the annual Bridgewater School Cross Country on Saturday 22nd March 2025. Below are the race times. Please arrive at least 10 minutes before their event - all children must be accompanied by an adult for their time there and can leave immediately after.
Staff from school will be at the finish line to collect in the place cards the children will be handed. Please can children wear their school PE top, with layers underneath if needed.
Time Race Approximate Distance
9.30 Year 6 Girls (1200m)
9.45 Year 6 Boys (1200m)
10.00 Year 5 Girls (1200m)
10.15 Year 5 Boys (1200m)
10.30 Year 4 Girls (800m)
10.45 Year 4 Boys (800m)
11.00 Year 3 Girls (600m)
11.15 Year 3 Boys (600m)
11.35 (approx.) Presentation
Friends of Thomas Coram

Madagascar - Sophie L - For her brilliant fashion design in the style of Sonia Delaunay.
South Africa - LaRiene - For overcoming her fear and demonstrating resilience when singing in front of the school in Singing assembly.
Gambia - Arthur - For improved focus in lessons and being resilient when trying work independently.
Finland - Ashton - For improved focus and listening this week.
Norway - Venpa - For a super effort and progress in swimming lessons so far.
Croatia - Eva - For always trying your best. Eva is always enthusiastic and helpful in the classroom. Thank you Eva!
China - Nola - For her valuable contributions in Guided Reading and English.
Borneo - Amelia - For her resilience this week and continuing when faced with challenges, well done!
India - Emilia - For a positive attitude to learning and good contribution in lessons this week.
Brazil - Max and Arun - Max for working hard on his entertaining narrative about a football match and Arun for excellent focus in Maths and great contributions to History and Guided Reading lessons.
Mexico - Alex - For his incredible contributions to maths lessons, showing his problem solving and arithmetic skills.
Peru - Genevieve - For persevering and working incredibly hard on area and perimeter - especially the trickier composite shapes.
Weekly Attendance W/C 03/02/2025
Year 3: 97.2%
Year 4: 94.6%
Year 5: 93.7%
Year 6: 95.5%
Whole school: 95.3%
"Everyday in school makes a difference to your child's future"
Congratulations to Gambia who have 100% attendance! A full calendar is available here
Information attached this week
Whole School letters/emails sent this week
Flyers/ Links
This week at St Peter's
Details of services at St Peter's can be found here.
To read the latest news from St Peter's click here.