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The Thomas Coram CE School

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Newsletter 11

Friday 22 November 2024
Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you. Ephesians 4:32

Important Info for W/C 25th November 2024

Tuesday 26th November

New to TC parent tour 9.15am


 Wednesday 27th November

Freestyle Football


Friday 29th November

FOTC Dress Down Day

Moved from Dec 13th 

Christmas Lunch






Please make sure you top up your child's lunch account in Arbor. 



Bottom of the newsletter 


 Resilience quote of the week: Fall seven times, stand up 8. 
Resilient Riser: Lorelei (Mexico)
Most resilient acts, class, last week: Norway
This week at Thomas Coram
The weather has certainly changed this week. On Tuesday, our morning running club were in for a great surprise when we ran in freezing temperatures and snow! But the children were not phased and tried their hardest! Well done team running TC! We also had our Jazz concert on Tuesday afternoon, which was wonderful. The children listened to lots of different genres of music and different instruments being played. It was nice to see the children singing along and so engaged. Thank you to Mrs Bruguier for organising. We have also had the Book Fair this week, which has been a real success and we have sold a huge amount so thank you for your engagement with the fair. We benefit from being able to get books after the fair with the money made. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!
On Monday, Father Stuart was in leading worship and the children then followed up in class on Wednesday and Thursday. Today we had Croatia's class assembly, which was fantastic, thank you for sharing all you have been learning. We also celebrated our stars of the week. 

Important info

Eco Council News
The Eco council are thrilled to share that we have recycled 28kg of plastic bottle tops so far, this is a huge amount so thank you so much to everyone who has been collecting them. But, we need more to receive our free recycled items so please do continue to send in plastic bottle tops which can be delivered to Norway class. 
SEND parents coffee morning 
There is a SEND coffee morning on Thursday 5th December at 9am. To sign up click here. If you are attending the Rocksteady concert, you are very welcome to come afterwards. 
Christmas Tree Place 
TC are taking part in the annual Christmas Tree Fundraiser for schools. A flyer will be sent home with your child next week. If you buy your Tree at the Christmas Tree Place please make sure you hand the flyer in when you pay.  Last year we were lucky enough to win one of their prizes! 

Friends of Thomas Coram

After the vast amounts of information we threw your way last Friday, there is no FOTC update this week. You can still read our December Lowdown here, which contains all you need to know for a magical TC Christmas!
TODAY!! This is our last chance to buy a ticket to join us for our fabulous wreath making evening.
Friday 29th December - Dress down for donations (moved from Dec 13th)
  • any pre-loved toys, games, cool t-shirts, accessories that you think a child would be happy to win in our tombola!

  • Small items for our lucky dip bags (think party bag / McDonalds toys)

  • A hamper item linked to your year group colours (see examples below)

Monday 16th December & Tuesday 17th December - 1pm - 3:25 Christmas Parties. 

Please make sure your class has enough helpers signed up so that the parties can go ahead.

Community Information and News

Girlguiding Berkhamsted Christmas Market Saturday 23rd November
Girlguiding Berkhamsted District are holding a family Christmas Market on Saturday 23 November, 10am-12pm at Berkhamsted Town Hall. There will be fun games, tombolas, crafts for children, cakes, refreshments and much more! Free entry; cash only. Please come along and support local Rainbows, Brownies and Guides.

Berkhamsted Youth Theatre
Berkhamsted Youth Theatre are putting on 101 Dalmations from Thursday 28th - Saturday 30th November at the DEMBE Theatre, Station Road Tring. You can book tickets here. There is also a discount for local youth groups of 10 or more!

Berkhamsted Choral Society.
BCS’s are holding a concert on Sunday 8 December @ 7.00pm at St Peter’s Church in Berkhamsted. It should be a really lovely occasion! More information can be found here


Suzanne Stace is holding a Mindfulness Well Being Evening on Monday 2nd December in Epicure from 7.00 - 8.30pm. 


Madagascar - Isaac - for the kindness and help that he gives to Mrs Bruguier.

South Africa - Georgie - for her excellent resilience and hard work that she has put into writing the introduction for her own fable.

Gambia - Samson - for confidently sharing and explaining his Great Grandad's war medals and photos with the class. Well done Samson!  

Finland - Zoe - for her focus and effort in Maths this week.

Norway - Millie for being super positive all week and always trying her best in lessons. 

Croatia - Croatia - for showing resilience and perseverance when practising our class assembly. Well done!

China - Gracefor her enthusiasm during the River Studies trip and her hard work in lessons.

Borneo - Inga - for her positive attitude and hard work in every lesson, well done.

India - Tristian - for sharing his amazing knowledge of pH levels during our field trip.

Brazil - Lucy - for always working very hard and being a great learning partner.

Mexico - Sofia - for outstanding dedication to all of her learning, including excellent science work about energy sources.

Peru - Ben - for excellent work in English, being engaged in the new text on planets and achieving his targets.


Weekly Attendance W/C 18/11/24
Year 3: 98.4%
Year 4: 96.5% 
Year 5:  92.2%
Year 6:  94%
Whole school: 95.4%

"Everyday in school makes a difference to your child's future" 

                                        A full calendar is available here   


Information attached this week

Whole School letters/emails sent this week  

 Christmas lunch email sent Monday 18th November

Flyers/ Links

 West Herts Music Open Evening - Watford Grammar School 22/11/24 5.30 - 7.30

 Santa Dash - Sunday 1st December Hemel Hempstead

 Autumn 2024 Online Safety Newsletter

This week at St Peter's

Details of services at St Peter's can be found here.

To read the latest news from St Peter's click here.