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The Thomas Coram CE School

We are proud to be part of the   Church of England Federation

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Collaboration and Federation

We joined Victoria CE Infant and Nursery School in September 2017 to form one of the first formal collaborations in Hertfordshire and the Diocese of St Albans, but one of many such school organisations across the country.

Our two schools have much in common and share an executive headteacher, a leadership team and a Governing Body.

Bringing our schools together in this way is providing both schools with many new opportunities, from children working together across the collaboration to shared teaching, staff development and projects. The governors believe that the learning experience and achievement of children at our schools will be improved through our formal collaboration.

Working more collaboratively is the future for education, particularly for smaller primary schools, or schools forming multi-academy trusts. We are proud to be blazing a trail in Hertfordshire and the Diocese of St Albans with something so new and exciting.

Visit Castle CE Federation's Website

Collaboration Vision and Aims

Our vision is to be a Christian family that ensures the highest quality outcomes for all children through integrated and outstanding teaching and learning experiences.

Our culture of high expectations and continual improvement is underpinned by effective and inspirational leadership.

Our collaboration aims to:

  • ensure outstanding leadership at every level
  • ensure high-quality teaching and high-quality learning environments for all
  • ensure high-quality governance
  • ensure clear stakeholder accountability
  • ensure that our distinctively Christian ethos underpins all our work

Collaboration communication

Our Federation

On 16 April 2018, our collaboration became Castle Church of England Federation.

Visit our federation website here: www.castlefederation.org.